Mystical Nasheed With English Lyrics
Tôt's brother Tôt's brother
322 subscribers

 Published On Nov 2, 2021

mystical chant lyrics

Allah Allah Allah Allah is our protector
None worthy of worship except Allah
اهل المحبة بالمحبوب قد شغلوا ** وفى محبته ارواحهم بذلوا
The people of love have occupied themselves with their beloved ** and for the seek of his love they gave their souls

وخربوا كل ما يفنى وقد عمروا ** ما كان يبقى فيا حسن الذى عملوا
لم تلههم زينة الدنيا وزخرفها ** ولا جناها ولا حلى ولا حلل
And they destroyed everything that perishes while they lived ** What was left in me is the good of what they did
They were not distracted by the adornment of the world and its beauty ** nor its gardens, ornaments and robes
هاموا على الكون من وجد ومن طرب** وما استقل بهم ربع ولا طلل
داعى التشوف ناداهم واقلقهم ** فكيف يهنو ونار الشوق تشتعل
They wandered over the universe, who found it and those who sang, and were not settled at any quarter nor adumbrate
The need to see awakened and worried them ** How can they fade away and the fire of longing is burning inside them

من اول الليل قد سارت عزائمهم ** وفى خيام حمى المحبوب قد نزلوا
وافت لهم خلع التشريف يحملها ** عرف النسيم الذى من نشره ثملوا
From the beginning of the night, their resolves started ** And the in the beloved’s tents of protection, they lodge
And he approve them taking off the honor to carried it ** the breeze from it’s spread they got drunk
هم الاحبة ناداهم لانهـــــــم ** عن خدمة الصمد المحبوب ما غفلوا
سبحان من خصهم بالقرب حين قضوا ** فى حبه وعلى مقصودهم حصلو
They are the loved ones he called to them because ** they are from serving the beloved eternal refugee never neglected
Glory be to the one who chooses them to be near him when they spent ** in his love and they gain their purpose.

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