MADtv - Negan's Next Kill on The Walking Dead
12.2K subscribers

 Published On Sep 6, 2016

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Watch who Negan will kill next on this episode of The Walking Dead with Amir K, Adam Ray, Lyric Lewis, Piotr Michael and Michelle Ortiz

Video Transcription:
we made you wait also need for the
payoff to the biggest cliffhanger in our
history not just to screw with you

we also wanted to boost our ratings now
who will need and kill
you can breathe you can blink

well you can cry you're all going to be
doing that

holy crap you guys see the size of that
spider go Harry sucker to you know they

say one in 25 spiders is highly venomous

it's actually out my grandmother died
not real spiders though they were

imaginary spiders she had dimension
jumped off the roof of her nursing home
ok ok
no stalin

y'all about to feel the wrath of Lucille

what yeah I don't wanna have no fun
before you die

yeah we've been here six months just
killed one of us feel coral everybody

hates coral shut up coral everybody
hates you

we talked about all the time your hair
looks stupid and you're the worst

character on the show right enough
playing games
happy now

no that was one of your God
I know I hated that guy would you just
killed one of us all right i'll kill you

just as soon as i'm done with this
cappuccino breaks are real

Thank You Angus
mmm yeah that's a hot one loop
sorry can't drink it fast super for the
love of God just kill one of us already

ok ok you know
whistling fun you had to suspend you
know what's even more fun that one of
these little suckers

all right all right enough with the fun
whistle any me didn't you already do this
yeah but i forgot who I picked the easy
forgot where I was

if he hollers let him go
my mother told me to pick the very best
one but I don't listen to her because

she's a bitch he's really been getting
on me for the rent it is right there in

that trailer right behind all right time
to finally feel Lucille's garage right

after i finish my 90 minutes you have to
massage it break the chopping Angus

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