Bach to Baïsso - Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita
bendigedig bendigedig
843 subscribers

 Published On Apr 22, 2018

'Bach to Baïsso' from the new album SOAR from Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita, releasing 27th April 2018 on the bendigedig label.

Limited edition signed vinyl LP's and SOAR CD's are now available to pre-order via:

CD and digital downloads also available via Amazon and downloads and streaming via iTunes, Spotify, Tidal, Google Play, Apple Music, quobus and Deezer:

Tour dates and further information:

About the track:

Catrin Finch, Seckou Keita, Johann Sebastian Bach (excerpt from the Goldberg Variations)

Arranged by Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita

Bach on the kora? “I’m not sure it’s ever been done before,” Seckou says. “The melody is fascinating, how the key changes go round and round, and I was curious because the kora is limited when it comes to playing those key changes. I needed to work on it, and I wanted to learn through Catrin.” “This aria [excerpt from Bach’s Goldberg Variations] is probably one of the most famous pieces of music out there,” adds Catrin, “and there may be some people from the classical world who might have an issue with this, like ‘Oh dear me! You can’t do this to Bach!’ I’m fully prepared for that. Bach himself was someone who was always experimenting. That’s the reason he’s respected in the way he is.”

“Baïsso is one of the oldest tune types in the Senegambian kora repertoire, also sometimes known as ‘Rassa’” says Seckou. “An important tune, Baïsso is generally only played by experienced kora players to people of standing within society. As the kora player plays, griot or Fino elders sometimes join in and use Baïsso as a vehicle to pass on messages and wisdom through their poetry. You could refer to this as the ‘Baisso Variations’!”

This is a blend of two highly revered pieces from two very different classical traditions.


‘Bach to Baïsso' oddi ar yr albym 'SOAR' gan Catrin Finch a Seckou Keita, rhyddhawyd Ebrill 27 2018 ar label bendigedig.

Mae LPs finyl nifer cyfyngedig a CDs SOAR ar gael nawr i rag-archebu drwy:

Rhag-archebwch eich copi digidol o albwm newydd sbon Catrin ar iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal, a Apple Music:

Dyddiadau taith a gwybodaeth bellach:


Amdan y drac:

"Dwi ddim yn siŵr bod hyn wedi cael ei wneud o'r blaen," meddai Seckou. "Mae'r alaw'n hynod ddiddorol, y ffordd mae'r newidiadau cywair yn mynd o gwmpas ac o gwmpas, ac roeddwn yn chwilfrydig gan fod y kora yn gyfyngedig pan ddaw i chwarae'r newidiadau cywair hynny. Roedd angen i mi weithio arno, ac roeddwn am ddysgu drwy Catrin." "Mae'r aria honno mwy na thebyg yn un o'r darnau cerddoriaeth enwocaf," ychwanega Catrin, "a gall fod rhyw rai o'r byd clasurol nad ydynt yn hapus gyda hyn, 'O diar, gallwch chi ddim a gwneud hyn i Bach!' Dwi'n barod am hynny. Roedd Bach ei hun yn rhywun oedd bob amser yn arbrofi. Dyna'r rheswm caiff ei barchu fel y mae." Mae Baisso, caiff ei alw'n Rassa weithiau hefyd, yn un o'r mathau tôn hynaf yn repertoire kora Senegal a Gambia. Mae Baisso yn dôn bwysig sydd yn gyffredinol ond yn cael ei chwarae gan chwaraewyr kora profiadol i bobl bwysig o fewn y gymdeithas. Wrth i'r chwaraewr kora chwarae, bydd y griot neu hynafgwyr Fino yn ymuno weithiau ac yn defnyddio Baisso fel cyfrwng i basio negeseuon a doethineb ymlaen drwy eu barddoniaeth.

Dyma i chi asiad o ddau ddarn uchel eu parch o ddau draddodiad clasurol gwahanol iawn.


Project produced by Theatr Mwldan / Cynhyrchwyd y prosiect gan Theatr Mwldan

Video recorded and produced by / Wedi recordio a chynhyrchu yn La Nau, Barcelona.

With thanks to Camac Harps for their continued support / Gyda diolch i Delynau Camac am y gefnogaeth barhaus.

bendigedig, a label owned and managed in common partnership by Theatr Mwldan and ARC Music Productions International Ltd. /
bendigedig, label wedi ei berchen a’i reoli mewn partneriaeth gyffredin gan Theatr Mwldan ac ARC Music Productions International Ltd.


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