Salted Egg Lava Mung Bean Puff Pastry Recipe (金沙豆蓉酥) with Papa Fung
Papa Fung's Kitchen Papa Fung's Kitchen
22.7K subscribers

 Published On Sep 10, 2021

A light and flaky puff pastry with piping hot oozing salted egg lava encased in a semi-sweet mung bean paste. Can’t go wrong with oozing salted egg yolk!

0:00 Intro
0:19 Part 1: Filling
0:22 Filling 1: Mung Bean Paste
3:09 Filling 2: Salted Egg Yolk FIlling
5:20 Filling: Assembly
6:06: Part 2: Dough
6:09 Dough 1: Water Dough
7:46 Dough 2: Oil Dough
8:30 Dough: Assembly
10:26 Part 3: Assembly
11:56 Finale

This recipe makes 20 puff pastries [製成二十隻]

Mung Bean Paste: [綠豆蓉]
600g Split Mung Beans [開邊綠豆]
200ml Peanut Oil [花生油]
180g Cane Sugar [蔗糖]
1tbsp Maltose [麥芽糖]
Water (Enough to cover beans) [水]

Filling: [饀]
6 Salted Eggs [咸蛋黃]
150g Butter [牛油]
100g Milk Powder [奶粉]
60g Sugar [糖]
50g Custard Powder [吉士粉]
50g Evaporated Milk [淡奶]
480g Mung Bean Paste [綠豆蓉]

Dough [酥皮]
Water Dough: [水皮]
160g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
140g All-purpose flour [中筋麵粉]
100ml Water [水]
60g Lard [人造豬油]
50g Sugar [糖]
1 Egg [蛋]

Oil Dough [油皮]
250g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
220g Lard [人造豬油]

Mung Bean Paste [綠豆蓉]
1. Thoroughly clean green beans, place them in a bowl. Add in water, enough to cover the beans and set aside for 3 hours. [將豆徹底洗淨,水浸過面浸泡三小時。]
2. Place the beans and the water into a pot (add more water if it doesn’t cover the beans). Cook them at medium heat for 10 minutes. Turn off heat, cover the pot and let it simmer for 15 minutes. [將豆放鍋內加水浸過面,煮十分鐘再焗十五分鐘。]
3. Place green beans into blender, blend until paste-like. [將豆放入攪拌機內攪成蓉。]
4. Pour it back into the pot, cook until most of the water has evaporated. Add in sugar, continuously stir, or it will burn. [將豆蓉放鍋內煮,煮至略為收乾加糖,要不停攪拌免黏底。]
5. Once sugar has melted, add in oil, in 3 separate pours. Once the paste has absorbed the oil, that’s when you add in the next pour. [待糖溶加油至完全吸收,重覆三次直至加完油份。]
6. Add in maltose, and stir until combined. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. [最後加麥芽糖徹底攪拌均勻,取出待涼備用。]

Filling 饀]
1. Wash salted egg yolk, steam until cooked. Crush the yolks until it is a smooth paste. [咸蛋黃洗淨蒸熟,壓成蓉。]
2. Place yolk paste into a bowl, add in sugar, milk powder, custard powder, mix until combined. Add in melted butter, mix, add in evaporated milk, mix. [咸蛋黃蓉放大碗內加入糖和粉料先混合,加入溶牛油拌勻,再加淡奶攪勻。]
3. Place mixture into a flat pan, set aside in freezer until it has hardened [倒入盆中撥平放冰格內雪至硬身備用。]
4. Once hardened, divide into even pieces, shape it into balls, set aside in freezer. [雪至硬身取出分細份搓成小球狀,放回雪格待用。]
5. Take the green bean paste and divide it into the same number of pieces. Flatten the green bean paste and place a salted egg ball in the middle. Wrap the bean paste around to form a larger ball. Set aside in the freezer. [取豆蓉平均分細份,同時取出蛋黃小球,將豆蓉略壓扁包入蛋黃小球,搓圓放置雪柜待用。]

Dough: [酥皮]
Water Dough [水皮]
1. Sift pastry flour and all purpose flour onto tabletop. [粉料混合過篩。]
2. Create a well, add in sugar, egg and lard, mix together. Add in water, mix until combined, slowly incorporate flour into the mixture. [開穴加糖,蛋和人造豬油抓勻,加入少許水份拌勻,撥入麵粉搓揉。]
3. Knead until smooth, wrap and set aside in the fridge for 30 minutes. [搓成麵糰用保鮮膜包好放在雪柜放置三十分鐘。]

Oil Dough: [油皮]
1. Sift flour onto table top, add in lard, mix until combined. Wrap and set aside for 30 minutes. [粉過篩混合人造豬油,搓成麵糰用保鮮膜包好放雪柜放置三十分鐘。]

Assembly [組合]
1. Divide water dough into even pieces. [將水皮分成平均小粒。]
2. Divide oil dough into the same number of pieces.[油皮分同等份量小粒。]
3. Flatten the water dough, place oil dough in the middle and shape it into a ball. Cover dough balls to prevent drying [將水皮壓扁包入油皮搓成球狀,覆蓋好免乾。]
4. Grab a ball, roll it into a log, flatten into rectangle, roll it up into a roll, flatten, fold it in thirds, set aside. [取小麵糰搓長,擀薄成長形,卷成蛋卷狀壓扁,摺三摺待用。]
5. Grab dough, roll it out into thin discs [將麵糰略壓擀成碟狀。]
6. Place filling into dough disc, wrap the dough around the filling to create a ball shape. [將餡料放在中間,搯緊收口成球狀。]
7. Brush on egg yolk, bake at 350F for 25 minutes. [掃蛋液放入已預熱350度的焗爐內焗二十五分鐘即可。]

#saltedegglava #金沙豆蓉酥 #mungbeanpuffpastry

Music/Sound Credits:
Lamp (Prod. by Lukrembo)
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ

Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XF80mm F2.8
Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4
DJI Osmo 3
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod

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