Obesity: living a month in the life of an obese woman
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 Published On Premiered Oct 20, 2022

Today in France there are more than 6 million obese people; a figure that increases each year by 5.5%. So, are we all affected by this disease and how long does it take to switch to food addiction? What physiological mechanisms lead to excess weight? Can we develop an addiction to food like alcohol or cigarettes? To answer all these questions, Zita will carry out a journalistic investigation while adopting the hypocaloric diet of an obese woman for four weeks: she will go from 1,500 to 6,000 calories per day and will observe over the course of the experience how her body and mind react. She will of course be monitored throughout her immersion by a nutritionist.

00:00 Living in the skin of an obese for four weeks
06:53 First day in the skin of an obese
11:31 A complicated first night
15:16 The races of the month
17:23 Let's go for 5800 calories a day
20:19 Living love when you are obese
25:57 The first physical changes
28:07 Health already in danger?
29:50 This woman lost 60 pounds
37:20 Valentine, 12 years old, undergoes a weight loss treatment
44:53 Former obese she is going to have her excess skin removed
48:00 A photo session to regain confidence
51:29 Appointment with the nutritionist
54:16 The operation for excess skin
01:02:01 Review of the experience

To complete her investigation, Zita will also meet French people facing serious weight problems.
Among these people, Véronique, 50 years old. Having abandoned all idea of ​​a diet, Véronique refuses to weigh herself but estimates her weight at around 140 kilos, a weight that she assumes completely. But today, Véronique does not want to see that she is putting her health at risk: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension or even cancer.
Zita will also meet Stephanie, 28. With her 122 kilos, Stephanie, like many obese women, cannot get pregnant. For his part, his companion loves him with his curves. So out of love, Stéphanie refuses to lose weight and even decides to assume this weight by becoming a model for obese women.
Cécile, meanwhile, is a 31-year-old single mother. Formerly obese, Cécile now weighs 74 kilos, 7 years ago she was twice as much. The pounds have disappeared but the skin is still there... distended. Cécile must undergo reconstructive surgery, abdominoplasty, in order to regain a normal body.
Laurine, 105 kilos, and Lisa, 87 kilos, are 14 years old. They live in the same village and have known each other since childhood. Together they have grown, but today subject to ridicule, these two friends can no longer support their bodies. Moreover, for Laurine, the medical report is clear: she is morbidly obese. Together and united in this ordeal, they joined a weight loss center for teenagers with a single objective: to lose weight in order to finally feel good about themselves.

So how do you assume your image when you are obese, and what are the dangers of overweight people? How do young people deal with such a situation? This is what Zita will discover during her investigation.

Directed by Wilfried Garcette, Romain Thomas, and Camille Brajot for Maria Roche productions

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