Special Channeled Message from Sara Landon - Most Powerful Change Created Through Consciousness!
Sara Landon Sara Landon
43.8K subscribers

 Published On Jun 11, 2020

The most powerful change is consciousness, presence, and love, not right nor wrong.

In this message, Sara & The Council will share with you:
*You are seeing that the entire human family is looking at the potential and the opportunity to transcend judgment.
*The opportunity to transcend judgment is yet the next phase of your own realization and enlightenment and ascension into higher levels of consciousness.
*When there is one of you in the moment, in your power, allowing all that you are, you are more powerful than millions that are not. 
*Every single human being is a multidimensional, sovereign, infinite being of light.
You have all been all things in this life and in all lives. And you are forgiven. All is forgiven. There is only love. 

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on June 7, 2020.

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At this time you have a very global event of exploring your beliefs, your programs, your triggers, your reactions, and your resistance of race. You are one human family. We invite you to remember that there is a much greater perspective, a much grander viewpoint of this that is available to each and every one of you.

On a grander perspective it is the journey of the soul through the human experience, through human consciousness and all that exists here, that you have explored many different incarnations of being powerful and using it to harm others, of being powerful and using it only for good, of being powerless and blaming others, of being powerless and blaming yourself, of being powerless and blaming God although it is you.

Many of you who would say that you have a certain level of privilege in this life also, from a grander perspective, have chosen lives where you came in with very little privilege. You chose lives where you were experiencing lack and limitation as part of your incoming experience, but that you were also part of prejudice on both sides, that you were part of separation on both sides, that you were part of fear and lack and also part of wealth and great privilege. You have all been all things.

Even the most well-meaning, in times of unconsciousness, create harm for yourselves and others, have experienced hatred of yourself and others, have denied God in yourself and others, have cursed circumstances and conditions, have cursed yourself and have cursed others. You have all been all things in this life and in all lives. And you are forgiven. All is forgiven. There is only love.

Every single human being is a multidimensional, sovereign, infinite being of light. You will cause your own suffering and contribute to the suffering on your planet when you think you know what another soul’s journey is or should be.

That does not mean you do not speak your truth. That doesn’t mean that you don’t come into the place of the highest consciousness in this moment and let the highest words flow through you. Even more importantly than that, standing in the presence of all that you are in this moment, allowing your light to shine through you, allowing the vibration of all that you are to raise the vibration of the planet and the environment around you, allowing your consciousness to raise the consciousness of your human family in times where maybe no words are needed at all.

The most powerful change is consciousness, presence, and love, not right nor wrong, not good nor bad. It is not even necessary to have masses. When there is one of you in the moment, in your power, allowing all that you are, you are more powerful than millions that are not.

Imagine that whatever you feel in this moment—whether it be love or hate, freedom or bondage, worry or lack, or fulfillment and abundance, sadness or joy, sickness or wellbeing—imagine that whatever you feel in this moment, everyone for miles around you feels whatever you feel amplified ten times, twenty times, a hundred times.

In moments when you are triggered, in moments when you are in reaction, and especially in moments when you are in judgment of yourself or any other, stop, close your eyes, take a breath, come home to the truth within you, come back to your consciousness, come back into your presence, come back into this present moment, because all of infinity is here for you now. All of eternity is in this moment, and all of your power is here and now and available to you.

Choose, as the conscious creator that you are, what you want more of within you and in the world around you. More peace. More love. More freedom. More joy. More beauty. More abundance. More wellbeing.

For more, please visit: www.saralandon.com

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