Ide Were Were - Aguas Doces (Official Music Video)
MonÁxi Daughter of the Earth MonÁxi Daughter of the Earth
1.11K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jul 21, 2021

Ide Were Were - Sweet Waters
To talk about this ancient chant, we should start from the beginning, and for that we need to talk about Oxum (Oxun, Oshun).
Oxum is an Orixá (diety/personality of nature), the mother of the sweet waters, of the rivers and waterfalls, worshiped in Yoruba, a religion of West African origin, and her Brazilian, South and Central American derivatives, Candomblé, Umbanda and Santeria.
Oxum is first and foremost the daughter of Yemaya/Yemanja/Imenja, the mother of the Oceans (Salt Waters) and the moon, She is also Xango's second wife and represents female wisdom and power. Oxum is the goddess of beauty, an orixá of love, fertility and motherhood, responsible for the protection of unborn and newborn children, and adored by women seeking to get pregnant. Her element is water, her color is yellow or gold and her day is Saturday.
The archetype of Oxum is of a graceful and elegant woman, who has a predilection for jewelry, perfumes and clothes. She is typically portrayed holding a mirror where she reflects upon her beauty. With this track, MonAxi encourages women to reflect upon their own beauty, within and without, invoking the power of Oxum to deepen the sense of self love and acceptance, and strengthening the concept that everyone has the ability to directly connect to the divine.
Ide Were Were- Águas Doces is a derivative work of an ancient chant, composed and produced by MonÁxi.

(Language; Yorubá - West Africa, Portuguese and English)
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were

Mother of the Sweet Waters
I invoke you!
Nourish my Soul
Mother of beauty,
teach me... to love myself,
teach me, I am open to you, Oxum.

Ide were were nita Oxum
Ide were were
Ide were
Ide were oxum
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita Oxum
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were

Ela é das Águas Doces (She is of the Sweet Waters)
Ide were oxum, oxum
Ide were were

We are honored to have the presence of Raquel Reis of the Calouste Gulbenkian Orchestra playing the Cello in this piece.
The invocation of Oxum was received and spoken by Olivia Augusta MonÁxi.

Music Mastered by: Alê Siqueira -
Videographer/Editor: Photo with Will -   / photowithwill  
Cinematic Color Treatment: Mark Horrobin of 'TAG Collective Arts' London -

Para falarmos deste Tema tão ancestral, temos que começar do inicio, trata-se de um Tema que nos fala de Oxum.
Oxum é uma orixá, é a rainha da água doce, dona dos rios e cachoeiras, cultuada no candomblé e também na umbanda, religiões de origem Africana.
Oxum é a segunda esposa de Xangô e representa a sabedoria e o poder feminino. Além disso, é vista como deusa do ouro, beleza e do jogo de búzios. É a deusa do rio Oxum (ou Osun) que fica no continente africano, mais concretamente no Sudoeste da Nigéria.
O arquétipo de Oxum é de uma mulher graciosa e elegante, que tem predileção por joias, perfumes e roupas. A figura de Oxum carrega um espelho na mão.
Oxum representa a deusa da beleza, orixá do amor, da fertilidade e da maternidade, responsável pela proteção dos fetos e das crianças recém-nascidas, sendo adorada pelas mulheres que querem engravidar. Seu elemento é a água, sua cor é o amarelo e seu dia é o Sábado.

Ide Were Were- Águas Doces trata-se de uma interpretação de um tema muito ancestral, composto e produzido por MonÁxi.

É cantado por MonÁxi, na língua Yorubá (Africa Ocidental), e fala sobre o amor e a deusa do amor Oxum, onde na essência religiosa reina sobre a água doce dos rios e as suas cascatas, assim como na vida e em todo o Universo.

(idioma: Yorubá, Africa)
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were

Ide were were were

Ide were were oxum

Ela é das Águas Doces

Oxum é a deusa do amor,
Canto que fala sobre um colar,
que é um símbolo da iniciação ao amor

O tema conta com a participação da artista Raquel Reis, Violoncelista da Orquestra Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gravado nos Estudios- Laya MonÁxi SACRED SOUND STUDIOS

Masterização- Alê Siqueira

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