Episode 99: Crippled By Expectations
Hannah Love Mooney Hannah Love Mooney
284 subscribers

 Published On Sep 2, 2024

If you’re a mom, or really, if you’ve ever been around small children for a given amount of time, you have probably come across this phenomenon. Speaking from experience, I can tell ya, I can only take so many calls for “Mom!” Or “Mama!” before my eye starts to twitch.. You know the insistent calling I’m talking about where they call for you and you respond with a calm “yes, baby?”, to which…they say it again. Another reply of “yes, honey?”. Annnnnd again, “Mama!”. At this point the response becomes a polite but annoyed, “Yes…?”. And this can go on indefinitely. Honestly after 3 rounds I usually lose my cool and raise my voice with an impatient, “Baby, Mommy has answered you three times already! What do you need?!”. 

I hate to admit it, but lets be honest, most of us have lived this. It can be SO frustrating when our kiddos are literally begging for our attention and we give it to them only to find they aren’t even paying attention! 

Leave it to me to see such parallels in the Bible. After all, God gave us lessons for ALL of life if we look in His word.. So, what is today’s lesson, you may ask? Well, it’s this: Sometimes we beg God for something without ever actually giving Him our attention! Just like the kids calling your name over and over… needing something from you while simultaneously being so wrapped up in their own things that they aren’t giving you their own attention in return! Allow me to read the brief excerpt from the Bible that teaches this valuable lesson.

Acts 3:1-10 TPT

This account is so short and sweet. I actually love this translation of the story because of the wording. The two things that jumped out to me were this: the man begged them for something…and then, OUT OF EXPECTATION, he GAVE THEM HIS ATTENTION. Why is this important, you may ask? I feel like this crippled man is modeling to us an important aspect of prayer life. It is not enough to simply ask God for something. And I’m sure we are all guilty of it from time to time. Life is busy. We have needs. We quickly toss up an ask to our Heavenly Father and resume life. Consumed with the goings on. So wrapped up in our lives and circumstances, we aren’t actually living in expectation that God will answer! Nor are we giving him our due attention! 

If you think of it like that, its a wonder God ever answers us at all! BUT. He is a good Father. And just like good parent when asked over and over…perhaps even in an impolite fashion, and without due attention… we answer. We still meet the need. Thank Goodness for the love of a Father for His children. 

Today is in no way an admonishment. It is, however, a challenge to reflect how you are approaching our Father in prayer. Are we giving Him our attention? Are we even coming to Him in expectation?! This passage in Acts shows us a man who did. He begged. But he did so with expectation and furthermore, with his full attention. He didn’t call over the disciples shoulder to the next passers-by. He didn’t avert his gaze back to his lifeless legs and wonder about who was going to carry him home that day. He gave his attention. And I believe that is a lesson we could all use. God just wants our attention. He loves us beyond measure… Maybe today, we could all use the reminder to give God our time and attention. Give Him our expectation as we come to Him undistracted by life. Even if just for a few precious minutes. I think we owe Him at least as much.. 

Today, I pray each of you listening are able to consecrate some time in the day..setting it aside, just for Him. Leaving life and all of its crippling demands at the door. Drop them. Walk, instead, into His waiting embrace. He longs to answer you, sweet friends. Call out to Him in expectation and give Him your attention today…

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