Land for sale in Mauna Mukteshwar | Area-7Nali | Uttarakhand Properties | | Nainital Property
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 Published On Jan 2, 2021

Land for sale in Mauna Mukteshwar | Area-7Nali | Uttarakhand Properties | | Nainital Property | Uttarakhand Property for sale | Plot for sale

Rate - 7 lakhs per Nali ( Negotiable).

Visit Charges- 2000/-
Note- This amount will be refunded after the registry.

Note- You need to purchase 3.5 Nali minimum.
Total Area- 7 Nali.
Address- 4 Km from Mauna Market Nainital
From Bhimtal 35 Km distance.
From Nainital 50 Km distance.
From Haldwani 70 Km distance.
Front- 300 feet

Mukteshwar is a village and tourist destination in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, India. Height is about 2171 meters, 51 km from Nainital, 72 km from Haldwani, and 343 km from Delhi.

This land is on road.
Water supply is government and electricity is available on the land. The total area is about 7 Nali. 1 Nali is about 2160 Sq Feet (240 sq yard). From Mukteshwar it is about 25 Km. It will take 20 to reach this property.
From this land, Almora city is about 22 Km.
The climatic condition is cold and this is a snowfall area.
All kinds of agricultural activities are performed here.
The place is very beautiful with full of peace.
View from this property is Himalaya.
If you are from outside of Uttarakhand then you can purchase 1.25 Nali in the name of one person.
For more land, you need to add your family members or you can do the agreement on the name of a local person and you have to take the power of attorney.
The owner of this land is from the General category.
The nearest Hospital is in Bhowali and Nainital.
The nearest school is in Nathuakhan and Nainital.
You will find the basic grocery item in Mauna Market.
The nearest Petrol Pump is in Bhowali.

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Name - Himanshoo Pandey
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Bhatt Ki Dal-
एक कप दाल खाने से 18 ग्राम प्रोटीन प्राप्त होता है. ये प्रोटीन का एक बेहतरीन माध्यम है .
इससे कब्ज की समस्या नहीं होने पाती है और ये कैंसर से बचाव में भी कारगर है.
आयरन हमारे शरीर के लिए एक आवश्यक तत्व है.
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