Troublesome Sister In-law
Uby's Epic Stories Uby's Epic Stories
330 subscribers

 Published On Apr 1, 2024

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The phone call

I met Peter, my husband, at the restaurant where I worked. He had come to buy food and I happened to serve him that day.

After eating I returned to pack the dishes he ate with, he had tipped me and he later asked me for my number and I gave him, even though it was against my work policies.

From that day I gave him my number. We started texting and calling each other, a few weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend which I accepted.

A few things lead to another, after one year of our relationship I realized I was pregnant for him

I in turn told him about the pregnancy I was scared he was going too asked me to abort the pregnancy, but too my surprise he accepted it and told me we were going to keep the baby, but my problem was my parents won't let me have a baby in their house , I also told peter and he told me I would stay inside his room in his father's house, I was at first mad but peter wasn't financially stable either, now that I was pregnant I could see how much, he works hard.

A few months later I started living with Peter in his father's house. The house was a three room apartment, one room for his dad and his mom , the other for his younger sister mercy and one for Peter.

I didn't have any problem living with them, cause his mom and dad were peaceful people even his sister but the only problem I had with his sister, was that whenever anyone calls me , whether I am there or not, she would answer the call , and answering the call wasn't the only problem but she would in turned tell lies and tell some of the people that called me, that am pregnant for a jobless man and living with his parents, that they shouldn't call the line again

I was mad at her and warned her but she in turn told me that if I want to live in the house peacefully I should allow her to pick my calls and not complain. or else, she would tell her brother that I am cheating on him

I complained to Peter and I was surprised when he sided with his sister,

"mercy is not a small girl, she is about 20 years old na, she should have known by now that she should not pick people calls"
I had complained that day but peter said he would speak to her which he never did

This act continued till one day my pastor had called, mind you he never knew that I was pregnant and that was the reason I stopped going to church.

I was in the backyard that day washing my clothes , when my pastor called, mercy as usual picked the call, my pastor had asked her to give the phone to me but mercy went on and told him how I got pregnant and living with the boy parents, she told him lies about me

immediately the called ended she brought my phone towards me laughing historically,

" why are you hiding from your pastor, why didn't you tell him you were pregnant for a jobless man and had force the pregnancy on my brother " she spoke in between laughing,

I snatched the phone from her and realized my pastor had called

" don't worry, I already helped you tell him that you got pregnant out of wedlock"

I cried bitterly I called my pastor back and he told me how disappointed he was but told me to still come to church,

I wasn't hiding the fact that I was pregnant from him, I don't just want him to know just yet, everyone does make mistakes.

I wept and called my grandmother and told her about what I have been passing through,

A few weeks later my grandmother came to see me and also talked some sense into mercy, because I got pregnant for her brother doesn't mean she has the right to answer my calls.

My grandma and I were still talking when my grandma Nokia phone rang, before my grandma could pick her phone from the table mercy rushed forward and snatched the phone from my grandma's hand and answered the phone,

I was mad at her and wanted to slap her but my grandma told me to calm down because of the pregnancy,

I watched as she spoke to my grandma brother, telling him my grandma was in another man's house eating free food,

I was sad throughout the day because of my merciful behavior. My grandma left, promising to come see me next time.
I confronted her, this time in the presence of her parents but to my surprise they sided with her ,

I cried that night, when peter returned he asked me why I was crying, I told him what happened and he just laughed it off telling me,

" na this small thing, dey make you cry"

#LoveStory #FamilyDrama #UnexpectedPregnancy #Redemption #Betrayal #Forgiveness #RelationshipChallenges #EmotionalJourney #TwistsAndTurns #YouTubeStorytime

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