"Cholo Soy y No Me Compadezcas" -vals- (Luis A. Morales)
LastingDream LastingDream
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 Published On Nov 1, 2010

Quería colgar este video por día de campesino (24 de junio) o día del indio pero aún no lo había terminado entonces. De todas maneras nunca es demasiado tarde =)

Un poco de historia:
El Día del Campesino o Día del Indio, no es otra cosa que la fiesta del Hatun Raymi que se celebraba en el Tahuantinsuyo para dar la bienvenida al solsticio de verano en los Andes.
En la festividad se adoraba al Sol para agradecer sus beneficios, ofreciéndole sacrificios y dones de sus mejores llamas, chicha de jora y productos de la tierra, lo que devenía en una hermosa fiesta encabezada por el Inca, de gran ceremonial y colorido, que hasta hoy se revive en el Cuzco.
Esta tradición fue conocida por los españoles y conservada hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX, cuando el presidente Augusto B. Leguía instituyó el Día del Indio, mediante el decreto supremo promulgado el 23 de mayo de 1930, como una forma de destacar la preocupación del Estado a favor de los hombres del ande.
El general Juan Velasco Alvarado, promulgó la Ley de Reforma Agraria el 24 de junio de 1969 y junto con ello la nueva denominación de Día del Campesino.

Canción / Song: Cholo Soy y no me Compadezcas (I am a cholo, don´t pity me though)
Cantante / Singer: Luis Abanto Morales
Compositor / lyricist: Luis Abanto Morales
Estilo musical / musical style: vals peruano (peruvian waltz)

English Translation

I am a cholo(*), don´t pity me though
Those are worthless coins that the white people give as if they were giving money
We, the cholos, don't ask for anything; even though we have nothing, nothing is enough.

Let me go to the Puna(**) to live freely, to climb the mountains following my goats,
plowing the soil, knitting some ponchos(***), herding my llamas,
and releasing to the wind the voice of my quena(****).
You say I'm sad, what do you want me to do?

Don't you say the cholo is soulless and like a stone, voiceless and wordless,
and that he cries in the inside without showing his tears.
Weren't the white people from Spain who killed us for gold and silver?
Wasn't there someone called Pizarro($) who killed Atahualpa($$)?
After making to him so many promises, pretty and insincere.

Then, what do you want?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to be happy as if I were in a party
while my brothers bend their backs for a four-cent salary that their master pays them.
You want me to laugh
while my brothers are like pack-animals
transporting treasures that others keep.
You want that a smile widens my face
while my brothers live in the mountains like moles
Digging and digging, while the people who don't work get richer
You want me to cheer up
While my sisters go to the rich's houses
as if they were slaves
I am a cholo, don´t pity me though

Let me go to the Puna to live freely, to climb the mountains following my goats,
plowing the soil, knitting some ponchos, herding my llamas,
and releasing to the wind the voice of my quena.
Leave me alone
that the mountain here
offers me its stones which are, perhaps, softer
than those condolences you give me

I am a cholo, don't pity me though
(*)Spanish language slang term applied to individuals of indigenous ancestry.
(**) high Andean plateau
(***)a blanketlike cloak with a hole in the center to admit the head, originating in South America.
(****)a recorderlike bamboo flute having a notched mouthpiece, used in Andean music
($)1475--1541?, Spanish conqueror of Peru. He landed in Peru (1532), murdered the Inca King Atahualpa (1533), and founded Lima as the new capital of Peru (1535). He was murdered by his own followers
($$)the last Inca emperor of Peru, who was put to death by the Spanish under Pizarro. One of the sons of Huayna Capac.

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