ONLY GOD! If we hadn’t caught it on camera no one would believe it...
Jonathan & Jilliana Jonathan & Jilliana
288K subscribers

 Published On Apr 5, 2023

A Supernatural Wedding Story + God's Message To A Confused Generation

Jilliana cried out to God saying, "if YOU aren't at our wedding, I don't want to be there either." Her biological father had passed away when she was 13 years old, but this is the story of how her HEAVENLY FATHER walked her down the isle on our wedding day.

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Jilliana’s Wellness and Detox:
We’ve been on a DETOX journey body, soul, and spirit. If you are tired of all the harmful additives and chemicals found in so many household products Jilliana can help!

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This testimony of how God answered Jilliana' tearful prayer, declared what He was going to do through an open vision, and then manifested EXACTLY what He had foretold has marked our lives forever, and the MESSAGE God has for us about HIS RAINBOW and what the sign of His glory and covenant actually means is for such a time as this.

The rainbow is his sign of Covenant and it's the glory of God resting on Covenant. Covenant was
designed by God. Two scriptures that solidify just how significant the rainbow is to
God and what it really means as a sign of Covenant between God and man.
God said to Noah it's in Genesis chapter 9 starting in verse 7. He said to Noah
just what he had already said in the past to Adam and Eve, "be fruitful and multiply populate the Earth abundantly and multiply in it that's God's will and his commandment then God spoke to Noah and his sons with him saying now behold I myself do establish my Covenant with you
and with your descendants after you and All Flesh shall never again be cut off
by the water of the flood neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the Earth. God said this is the sign of the Covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature that is with you for all successive Generations I set my bow the rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me and the Earth this is the sign of the Covenant which I have
established between me and All Flesh that is on the earth so you see how important this symbol of Covenant is to God the other scripture that's so significant about what the rainbow really really symbolizes Ezekiel 1 26-28 Ezekiel says as he looked at the Lord sitting on the throne in this Vision that he was given now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne like lapis
lazuli in appearance and on that which
resembled a throne high up was a figure
with the appearance of a man and there
was a Radiance around him as the
appearance of the rainbow in the clouds
on a rainy day so was the appearance of
the surrounding radiance
such was the appearance of the likeness
of the glory of the Lord and when I saw
it I fell on my face and heard a voice
speaking the glory of the Lord manifests
like a rainbow this is a symbol of the
glory of God resting on his Covenant
with man so do you know something I
wasn't even very acquainted with those
specific scriptures when God
did this thing for us and when he showed
us this sign of his Blessing and
Covenant in his glory resting on our
marriage you can't create Covenant
outside of God and expect to have the
glory of God resting on it that's what
the rainbow actually symbolizes it
really is no surprise that that's the
symbol that the enemy chose
to represent the absolute counterfeit of
what Covenant is meant to look like the
covenants that are made under that false
rainbow cannot be fruitful it can only
cause damage to the true identity that
God has given us as men and women he
created Covenant between a man and a
woman for the sake of fruitfulness and
reflecting the bride of Christ and the
perfect groom God sent his son into the
world not to condemn the world but that
the world through him might be saved our
hearts in sharing this and bearing
witness to the Glorious thing that God
did in affirmation not just of our
covenant but to remind us once again
this sign belongs to him another thing
to recognize when God says to Noah be
fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth
that commandment has a legacy attached
to and when we agree with the
counterfeit Covenant that the devil
presents with that symbol of the rainbow
unintentionally or even ignorantly we're
cutting off our own legacy it's not even
just having kids but the multiplication
that I've experienced in Covenant with
my wife has been in business it's been
an influence and in my maturity in the

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