God's Design For Men - the fam part 3 | Pastor Jim Jackson
Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson Orchard Church | Pastor Jim Jackson
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 Published On Premiered Apr 17, 2023

Pastor Jim Jackson, 4/16/23
the fam pt. 3—God’s Design For Men
Eph. 5:25-30

Men are built to LEAD

God made men to start a home and have authority over it. As a husband, a man agrees to lead the team of his wife and any other ‘team members’ that come along. His headship over his wife and family isn’t a dictatorship but loving leadership—like Christ does for his family (John 1 : 12). Men are to lead the team they chose! In the same way all people on a team, company, or country are of equal value personally, they are unequal positionally. While considering his wife’s wisdom and desires, the husband’s burden of leadership remains and is who will answer to God. All authority given by God is held accountable to God (Gen. 3 : 17-19)! This doesn’t mean he’s the smartest or most gifted but by God’s help, he’ll know the way, show the way, and go the way. Like Jesus, men are to lead from the front!

Men are built to PROTECT

With evil and danger in the world, God has called men to be
the main protectors and lay down their lives for the weaker and
vulnerable. Men create, manage, and maintain most of the world’s
governments, armies, churches, and relief organizations. When run
for the benefit of others, people feel security from masculinity (Ps.
82 : 3, 4; Prov. 24 : 10, 11; Acts 20 : 28-32; Heb. 13 : 17). Mothering
creates boys, but men create men. The main difference between
boyhood and manhood is maintaining responsibility in difficulty and
pain. Responsibility turns a boy into a man so he can lead himself
and others (Gen. 2:23, 24). Sacrifice and suffering are God’s tools to
mold men and to rely on His strength (Job 38:1-3 : 1 Cor. 16 : 13).

Men are built to PROVIDE

As men tend to be more logical, factual, physical, and less
relational, they move toward those occupations. They will often
work long hours in hazardous conditions, often sacrificing their
health, friendships, and families to provide. Hard working men
should be honored, and men should look to make a life not just a
living. The husband is responsible so the income/financial support of
the family is sufficient for their needs, not their greeds (1 Tim. 5:8).
The godly man isn’t to be lazy but rather give the best years of his
life in service to his family and church for his pleasure, their benefit,
and God’s glory (Eph. 4 : 28; Col. 3 : 23).
(The Masculine Mandate, Phillips; Disciplines of a Godly Man, Hughes)

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