why we're together, but alone
ProfessorViral ProfessorViral
116K subscribers

 Published On May 25, 2023

Together, but alone. Is this common feeling a pessimistic creation of mankind?

Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most popular anime of all time, a 90’s classic from Hideaki Anno. The anime follows Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami, and Asuka Langley as pilots of the EVA Units (00, 01, & 02) fighting of the invading Angels on behalf of NERV, the agency where Shinji’s father Gendo, and caretaker Misato Katsuragi work. While Neon Genesis Evangelion begins with mecha fights against the Angels, it slowly devolves almost into psychological horror, analyzing the psyches of Shinji, Asuka, Misato, and Rei in close detail. In explaining these characters, Eva invokes The Hedgehog’s Dilemma, a philosophical parable from Arthur Schopenhauer. The Hedgehog’s Dilemma analyzes the human need for connection, stating why we all feel alone while together. However, I think the anime says more about why we feel that need to begin with, giving us one of the most insane anime analysis videos to exist. Today, we’ll be discussing Eva, and digging deep into its madness to try and explain why we need each other.

The human need for connection | An Anime Video Essay Explaining Neon Genesis Evangelion

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