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과학드림 [Science Dream] 과학드림 [Science Dream]
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 Published On Jun 19, 2020

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#삼엽충 #멸종 #고생대
[참고 자료]
『삼엽충, 고생대 3억 년을 누빈 진화의 산증인』, 리처드 포티 지음
『뉴턴 하이라이트, 생명이란 무엇인가?』
『하리하라의 눈 이야기』, 이은희 지음
『10억년 전으로의 시간 여행』, 최덕근 지음
Thomas J. Algeo et al., (1998). "Terrestrial±marine teleconnections in the
Devonian: links between the evolution of land plants, weathering processes, and marine anoxic events."
Robert A. Rohde et al., (2008). "Cycles in fossil diversity."
Julie A. Trotter et al., (2008). "Did Cooling Oceans Trigger Ordovician Biodiversification? Evidence from Conodont Thermometry."
Alexei V.Ivanov et al., (2013). "Siberian Traps large igneous province: evidence for two flood basalt pulses around the Permo-Triassic boundary and in the Middle Triassic, and contemporaneous granitic magmatism."
Justin L. Penn et al., (2018). "Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction."

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