NetworkofGlobalCorporateControl11 26 19
Karen Hudes Karen Hudes
44.5K subscribers

 Published On Nov 26, 2019

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing. This capacity is one of the ways that we can tell whether we are using our prefrontal Godly brain. All that we fear in the world is caused by a deterioration of our greatest asset - our prefrontal Godly Brain. We are born with a primitive reptilian brain that drives behavioral compulsions, allowing us to survive within various social "pecking orders" such as our family, academic and work environments. Two reptilian survival compulsions - necessary for animal survival - threaten human extinction. 1) Domination Compulsions -The need to oppress, subjugate, control and bully others. 2) Submission Compulsions - The willingness to be oppressed, subjugated, controlled and bullied. brain awakening is described as happening in three successive stages: 1) Individuation - A willingness to stand alone on ones selfhood despite conformist social pressures. 2) Self-Actualization - A deepening recognition that "actually," ones thoughts, feelings and behaviors come from within and have little to do with social conditioning. 3) Transcendence - A realization that a separate ego is illusory. We are "created equal" with the same basic brain hardware used by Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Lao Tzu and all the saints and sages throughout the ages, as they taught us about our inalienable transcendent potential. Like them, we have all the "right stuff" built into our brain simply waiting for a spark to ignite the awakening.

You are confused about currency. When the central banks issue currency, they keep the difference between the face amount of the bill and what it costs to print it. This trick to printing fake money is called seignorage. The cabak thinks we are too stupid to catch them at their game. The cabal are the stupid ones.


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