[Trailer] 迎春閣之風波 ( The Fate of Lee Khan ) - Restored Version
Fortune Star Media Limited Fortune Star Media Limited
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 Published On Jan 19, 2021

The Fate of Lee Khan迎春閣之風波 (1973)

導演: 胡金銓
領銜主演: 徐楓, 李麗華, 田風, 茅瑛, 胡錦

江湖險惡多變處處充滿殺貢一波未平一波又起... ...
元朝自從成吉思汗起兵於蒙古,忽必烈問鼎中原,到元順帝至二十二年,西歷一三六六年,政治腐敗,民不聊生,群雄揭竿而起,朱元璋出身草莽,率領十萬義民和元朝對抗,當時,除了疆場上的戰爭之外,也展開了間諜戰,元朝主持其事的是中書平章政事、知河南山東行樞密院事兼陜西行臺禦史中丞、河南王、李南罕、李察罕官高爵顯,位極人臣,本性陰險,攻心計,精劍術,手段殘酷,他的妹妹李婉兒是他的得力助手。他們在迎春閣展開了一場血腥四濺、陰險狡詐、江湖兇殘的戰爭... ...

Director: Wu Kam Chun
Starring: Tsui Fung, Li Li Hua, Tian Feng, Mao Ying Hu, Chin

During later years of the Yuan Dynasty, a corrupted government and ill-living caused people to rise against the Mongolian rule. Among the revolutionists was Chu Yuan-Chang. Lee Khan, Baron and Honan, was a member of the royal clan, a cunning and formidable fighter aided by his sister Wan-Erh. Hsen Tiaen-Chung, a traitor in Chu's camp, will offer Lee Khan Chu's war map. When Liu, owner of a bun shop and a revolutionist, got word, he told Wendy, owner of Spring Inn, to make preparation for recapturing the war map......
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