Tap water WONT remove the pesticides off your produce..
nikkiblu78 nikkiblu78
102 subscribers

 Published On Oct 19, 2019

Pesticides that are sprayed onto your produce ( even your organic) fruit and veggies are oil-based so that they won't wash off in the rain ( other wise farmers have to keep re-spraying every time it rains.

The 11.5pH Kangen water emulsifies and brakes down the oil particles removing them from your produce, you would NOT drink that brown water so why eat it ??

Toxic build up of harmful chemicals is causing so many chronic conditions and diseases and auto immune conditions that Dr's are struggling to treat .. So how about the old saying prevention is better than cure and not poison yourself to begin with ..

Kangen Water®... (aka electrolyzed reduced water (ERW), or hydrogen water) begins as tap water. The Enagic® machine filters out chlorine and other impurities from the tap water, then separates the hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. This process adds an electron to the hydrogen creating a new molecule called diatomic molecular hydrogen gas. When this is added to your drinking water, it produces antioxidant-rich Kangen Water®

Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is vital to our health. Water carries nutrients to cells, helps with digestion, flushes out toxins, helps prevent headache and fatigue, and can even aid in weight loss or maintenance. Our bodies are up to 75% water, and staying well-hydrated is critical to our optimum health and survival.

People everywhere are discovering the life changing power of Kangen Water®
Make your own healthy, alkaline, antioxidant drinking water that's rich in minerals and purged of impurities, right in your own home!

Create a chemical free home using all the different pH waters to clean and sanitise your home and save thousands on store bought cleaning products.

Change Your Water - Change Your Life!®

This is why I filter my water using a Kangen water Ioniser. & I use all the different water to clean my house too.

To find out more about them visit http://nikkiblu.kangendemo.com

To download a free ebook on healthy living visit http://nikkiblu.yourbodyiswater.info

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