AT THE CROSSING with lyrics in descriptions
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 Published On Dec 8, 2007

RONNIE DAVIS at the VFW #7909 in Jacksonville Florida. My Pastor, Dr. H. Watson Moody has written 4 verses to this great song. The original song, written by Mosie Lister, it was, and still is, one of his favorites, he was driving a school bus years ago, and these verses came to him on his route. I didn't have all of the verses with me when we did this recording, but if anyone wants the words I will be happy to e-mail them to you, just let me know. And thanks for stopping by! I have been singing this song for a few years now, and after up loading it, I couldn't figure out why it took me so long to record it for upload here, after several hundred and some other videos, we were playing at the VFW POST #7909 here in Jacksonville, Ben, (FONECZAR) started the camera and recorded it, I posted it along with several other videos over the next couple of days. This video finished uploading on SATURDAY at 9:52 am, so with my connection it may have started around 6-7 am, Jo Ann's father passed away of a heartattack around 6:00 am on that same Saturday. Only God knows why it took me so long to do this, but like all other things in God's timing.... IT'S PERFECT!!!!!! NOT A MOMENT TOO SOON! Thanks to JoAnn for sharing this with me, so I can share it with the world. JoAnn, I am truly sorry for the loss of your father, but as the last verse in the song says, and in the 23rd Psalm: Yea, though I walk through the VALLEY OF THE SHADOW of DEATH, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me....and I WILL DWELL in the house of the LORD FOR EVER. PEOPLE THAT IS COMFORTING TO KNOW! Thank GOD for his promises! My preacher always says "the only thing GOD CAN'T do is LIE."

(G) There's a river some-(C) where that's called (G) Jordan,
And they (D) say that it's deep and (G) wide,
And they say that the (C) king and (G) beggar,
On that [D] shore they will stand side by (G) side.
At the (C) crossing, of the (G) Jordan,
Why should (D)I be afraid?
Therell be (G) someone who loves me,
To (C) guide me, 'cross the (G) river,
To (D) endless joys a (G) bove.
(G) Though the river is (C) dark and it's (G) stormy,
It will (D) pass like a dream in the (G) night.
And my soul will a (C) wake in the (G) morning,
In (D) regions of endless de (G) light.
[G] There are many that have [C] crossed the dark [G ]river
You could [D] tell by the light on their [G] face
When their last breath in [C] this life was [G] taken
JESUS [D] carried them to that Heavenly [G] place
[G] When I come to the [C] end of my [G] journey
And my [D] life here on Earth is [G] oer
I will rest in the [C] arms of my [G] Savior
In his [D] presents to be [G] evermore

(G) my friend Jesus will (C) stand at the (G) river,
And He'll (D) beckon, "just come unto (G) me."
Then the waters of (C) Jordan will be (G) parted,
And on (D) dry ground I'll enter the (G) sea.
[G] I will stand on the [C] banks of that [G] river
When Ive [D] finished my course and the [G] fight
Then Jesus will [C] lead me to [G] Glory
To the [D] city where the Lamb is the [G] light
[G] The river is [C] cold and [G] foreboding
But for [D] me it will carry no [G] fright
For my Savior will [C] meet me in [G] Mercy
And Ill [D] cross by His will and His [G] might
[G] The Master has [C] passed thru that [G] river
Be [D] cause of his love for man [G] kind
Now its only a [C] valley of [G] shadows
I ap [D] proach it with Gods peace in my [G] mind

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