Saturnastra Loki Chapter 12 P2 Nostalgia and Other Frailties
Artsy Sister Artsy Sister
184K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Aug 29, 2024

The New Year came and with it a new completed book. This one was technically done. However, it took me a bit to find enough time to edit the story. Every little project always has room for improvement. Loki is the tenth book in the series. He has no relations to the actual Norse God Loki.

Rather, he found the name quite fitting considering his abilities and sensitivities. He is the type of Loki that shows benevolence towards humankind and utter disdain for the Gods. Whenever given a chance, he will say kind words about humanity while the rest of his peers look down upon them. Still, some things cannot be helped. The same way the human looks down on the apes, Loki’s brothers and sisters despise their human ancestors.

The book only deals with this issue over the top. It is not the main plot of the story. There are a couple of battles here and there, and even a circus scene. Readers love the circus. This is also the first book were I elaborate on the home of the reclusive dragon riders and their princess. If this sounds interesting to you, then I hope you enjoy this reading. Introduction The book Loki follows the protagonist’s journey home.

The war is over and he is feeling bored. He does not know what to do with himself and his time. Throughout this transition progress, he decides to take on a basic escort mission. The troll princess wants to find her long lost sister and it is up to Loki to help her not find her. The Troll Queen is not too keen on the idea of the sisters meeting. So, she asks Loki to pretend to help her. Along their journey, they run into a couple of cookie characters, like a goblin mage, an orc dragon princess and a water elemental.

The book opens with Loki’s last army battle. Still, this battle has nothing to do with the larger war he was participating in. He only became aware that it was over by the celebration of the local higher beings. It was not everyday that Gods and Demons were celebrating together. A bane upon all existence has finally been destroyed. Finally, Loki will experience true peace, but as with most things it comes with a price.
#fantasy #audiobook #knight #magic #princess
Chapter 12
“I am not the sort of person who enjoys picking a fight. And besides, I know better than to try to take on a dragon. After all, there is no such thing as a weak dragon,” said Loki.
“So true,” said Ingerid reading her giant book. She then added, “Our little journey is almost over. Once we reach Little Sophia, and we return home what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know, I will probably bum about, going from town to town lending a helping hand to fishermen, and whatever damsel in distress I run into until it’s time to go home,” said Loki.
“I see,” said Ingerid, “Well, then good journey to you then. Is your home far away?”
“It is both near and far. Without taking any shortcuts, or magic portals it is 1.2 or 1.5 billion kilometers from here, depending on the time of the year,” explained Loki.
“What’s your home like?” asked Ingerid.
“Well, right now at this second and at this moment, it is like the Sky Belt,” said Loki.
“Oh…sorry to hear that,” said Ingerid sadly.
“Don’t be, I made war with it,” said Loki.
“Don’t you mean peace with it?” asked Perilat.
“No, war is the right term for it,” explained Loki, “And let’s drop the subject all together.”
After saying this, Loki went outside to go see the goats. For some reason, the goats would not approach him. It reminded him a bit of his brother’s problematic relationship to animals. The animals could smell it in Marduke, and now they found the same scent in Loki. It was almost suffocating, nauseating. Loki scratched at his throat in a vain effort to keep the bile from rising up. In the end, he ran and threw up on the rosy fields, liquid black bile. Alida saw this display and asked him, “Are you alright?”
“I am fine, I am fine,” said Loki chuckling.
“I don’t remember you eating anything like so,” said Alida.
“That is because it is not something I ingested, but something I must get out of my system,” said Loki whipping his mouth.
“Is it because your home is destroyed?” said Alida concerned. When she saw Loki narrow his eyes, she added, “I overheard you and Ingerid talking. Look, if it’s gone, can’t your people reconstruct. Lots of places get destroyed and later reconstructed.”
“We are not talking about a house Alida,” said Loki sternly.
“Maybe you can ask your allies for help,” suggested Alida.
“Just drop it, Alida!” said Loki coldly.
Sighing, Loki returned to the lake to be alone with his thoughts. This time Alida had the courtesy to let him wallow in his own misery. The more time passed, the angrier Loki was becoming. There was a violent thought growing inside of him. Before it completely blossomed, Marduke appeared before him in his demonic form, with its violet eyes and blood red hair. Loki stared at his brother’s sad melancholic face, and then he said, “Why didn’t you tell us?”

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