Big bout — police under attack. Police Car Cartoons for kids. Cars racing for children.
Smiling Robot Smiling Robot
141K subscribers

 Published On Apr 27, 2019

Speaker: There is no clouds on the sky! If you are not on the beach yet, you need to go immediately. Today is the hottest day of this summer. The highest temperature was fixed on thermometer.
Panorama of the city. Handy-Andy’s car. Move to the interior of the car. Handy-Andy and Emmy are listening to the radio inside the car.
Emmy (cheerfully): We are going to do exact this! How long will it take us to get there?
Handy-Andy (kindly): Well, according to navigator it will take 10 minutes.
Handy-Andy’s mobile phone begin to ring quietly.
Emmy (calm): I think your mobile is ringing.
Hand-Andy answers his phone.
Handy-Andy (at the beginning cheerfully but then seriously): Good morning, major Harry! No. We are on the way to the beach with Emmy! Now…hm…..ok, will be there soon…
Handy-Andy finishes this conversation on the phone.
Emmy (sad): No beach today?
Handy-Andy (dejectedly): I’m so sorry, Emmy, but the situation is really serious…
Two men are standing in a shadow on the platform. One of them is Rocko, the other one some prickly short man. We cannot see faces.
Short man (ominous): Yep! It is disabled and coming towards us!
Rocko (ominous): Good job!
They are shaking hands. Rocko hands him some money\ case\envelope. In the police station. Handy-Andy, Emmy and major.
Major Harry (grimly): The satellite was taken out of control. According to our data, it is going to fall on the beach in the South part of the city in 4 hours…
Handy-Andy (worried): Almost the whole city are there today…
Major Garry (nervous): Exactly! Scoundrels demand resignation of the Mayor of the city. But it’s impossible! We need to redirect the satellite to the ocean!
Emmy (seriously): As I know, satellite can be disabled very often. So, why cannot it, as all others, just burn in atmosphere?! (out of the frame) Our planet is surrounded by thousands of satellites and probes. They often fall of the orbit and burn in atmosphere after their end of service. Due to the resistance of the external gas environment, objects at high speeds are heated and burned before they reach the ground
Major Harry (sad): It has a super strong shell ... This satellite was designed in the case of some disasters and cataclysms to transmit SOS signals in all situations.
Emmy (upset): And now it can destroy the whole city… what a bad joke…
Handy-Andy (inspired): I’m going to make receiver, intercept the satellite signal and give it the coordinates. It'll go straight to the ocean!
Major Harry (lively): Great! Let’s get started!

Handy-Andy (seriously): I’m entering new data … and redirect the satellite! Big bout — police under attack.
Emmy (sarcastically): It had to fly to the opposite direction, or I’m mistaken?
Handy-Andy (annoyingly): Yes… Something is wrong… I think that antenna is damaged and cannot accept the signal! Police Car Cartoons for kids.
Emmy (starts to panic): So we need to start the evacuation immediately! And Mayor might need to resign…
Major Harry (upset): You are right, Emmy. But the consequences of the fall will be awful anyway… If Mayor resigns, bandits will do their dirty business very easily! Cars racing for children.
There is a car near the police station. There are Razer and Rocko in the car. Rocko has a big antenna and a remote in his hands.
Razer (with a doubt): Are you sure that it works?
Rocko (inspired): Oh yep! I’ve checked! It mutes the signal within a kilometer radius! So they will not be able to redirect the satellite!
Razer (cheerfully): It means that the mayor will resign soon. We will seize the city! (laugh)
Moves to Handy-Andy.
Handy-Andy (concentrated): How much time do we have left?
Major Harry (sad): One and half hour.
Handy-Andy (confidently): It’s enough!
Emmy (ironically): To go away far from the city?
Handy-Andy (exultant): To destroy the satellite with a rocket at a safe distance!
Handy-Andy (seriously, on the radio): This is an old decommissioned military base, but I’ve heard that some rockets are still there.
Major Harry (worried, on the radio): That’s right. They are saved there in case of emergent situations. But they were not used for the long time and can be not working…
Emmy (seriously): We have to hope for better…
Cars approach the grey old building. In the launching room.
Major Harry (worried): I’m launching the rocket! 3,2,1…
Major presses the button but nothing happens.
Major Harry (nervous): Hm… there is one more here! 3,2,1… Start!
The room starts to shake, guys run away from it. They are looking in the sky outside. Far away in the clear sky we can see the explosion, looks like the firework.

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