36. Long Walks, Forgotten Talks
Anton Dee Anton Dee
88 subscribers

 Published On Mar 10, 2022

Sādhanā (Sanskrit: साधना) is a spiritual practice designed to bring inner balance and detachment from worldly distractions. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. It is a personal process that brings you back into alignment with Spirit.

Cooking, cleaning, gardening, making love, yoga, singing, dancing, any artistic endeavour can be a sadhana. The aim is be fully engaged in the present moment. To act consciously rather than habitually. Our ever chattering minds grab our attention using thoughts and emotions. Becoming aware when we're distracted is an important first step towards cultivating inner peace.

Detachment does not mean uninvolvement. It means external factors do not affect your inner state. You accept anything you cannot control. You become responsible for your emotions and innerstand that you don't have to always (re)act on them. You can be angry and not act angry. You can be frustrated and no have it spill over onto others. If you had a choice between living a peaceful, joyful, equanimous life or a hectic, anxious, frustrated one - what would you choose? By cultivating a state of inner peace you're less likely to generate external conflict.

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