Mayday Mayday, Im going down! - My first engine out :)
Para Ninja Para Ninja
243 subscribers

 Published On Jul 30, 2023

Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch I did NOT announce a mayday over general aviation radio. We communicate over private mobile apps in a group so please chill with the hate messages. It was all a bit of a nothingburger but I did learn some things. Firstly we were all heading off with the gang to a far away LZ in a soccer field for a morning coffee. The night before I had a problem with my spark plug cap not making contact so I added some conductive grease which seemed to do the trick and also assuming the internals were the same as a dirt bikes cap I squeezed around the rubber bottom with pliers to tighten it..(bad idea) In fact its internally nothing like a dirt bike cap and so I didn't notice I broke the rubber cap with the pliers and also the conductive grease now made the rubber cap slippery.

I had just settled in for the long flight when the engine died out of the blue and because it doesn't have a clutch the quick shake made me at first panic thinking a line had somehow hit the prop (very serious) Once I confirmed the lines were clear and I was good to go its now game on to find a LZ to land. Everything went pretty smooth and I got to enjoy a long walk back to the car.. I could have Ubered but it was a nice morning and I wanted to think over the whole experience. Meanwhile my buddy with the green wing had a close call when he aborted a landing at the last second in a very tight soccer field.

Learning from this, obviously don't make mechanical assumptions minutes before a flight but the main take aways from my first engine out are
1. You don't have alot of time to think and landing options dwindle fast, this happened at 500ft but if it had had happened at 50ft well it could have been serious.
2. Focus on landing rather than trying to get the engine restarted. Landing is not a big deal, engine outs are generally not a big deal.

Overall I am very happy it happened and now ive lost my fear of it all and also gained some added respect for the possibility of it happening again.

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