Radical acceptance: THE strongest remedy against everything (crazy!)
Juan the Spaniard Juan the Spaniard
12.7K subscribers

 Published On Apr 15, 2024

Mindfulness is often spoken of in an inflationary way. It seems like it serves a certain lifestyle. But that falls short. To be truly mindful, you should know the true meaning behind it.

“Meditate for 20 minutes every day. Unless you don't have time. Then meditate for an hour.”

(Zen wisdom)

With this article I would like to try to give you an understanding of the term and meaning of mindfulness in my own words. Of course I'm not the first to say this, because a lot has already been written about mindfulness, the attitude behind it and the many positive effects that can be achieved with it.

Nevertheless, my experience is that the term is used almost inflationarily these days. It has to be used for all kinds of things and appears in all kinds of contexts in which one thinks that mindfulness plays some role.

I became aware of this most intensely when I still had an Instagram account to draw attention to my hiking offers. I was amazed at the contexts in which mindfulness appeared there: one could get the impression that mindfulness was a wellness or fitness concept, a means of improving performance, a recipe for greater efficiency and productivity at work, or something with which you can optimize yourself as best as possible. However, this does not do justice to the true meaning of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is not a consumer product

To understand the meaning of mindfulness, you should know that it has its spiritual-religious origins in Buddhism and is a practiced form of meditation. Mindfulness is an attitude that must be trained over a long period of time in order to bring about (measurable) changes in one's own thoughts and actions. Only regular meditation practice creates the positive changes in the brain and positive effects on physical and mental health, as proven by countless studies

According to Eckhart Tolle, acceptance, joy and enthusiasm are the three pillars of happiness. They represent the ways in which our consciousness must flow through us so that it can express itself. Therefore, everything we do that is not based on these three dimensions is a product of our ego and can only be dysfunctional.

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