The Finals Is Finally Perfect
Big Rat Hole Big Rat Hole
14K subscribers

 Published On May 21, 2024

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The Finals is like fudge. Any amount of it is too much of a good thing.

This game has the stink of death about it, so I wanted to do my best to hasten that along by doing what I did with Omega Strikers, recommending it! It's really good!

Made by a studio started by a group of ex-Dice Devs the game has the frostbite aesthetic and architectural colour pop of mirrors edge. Hearing the Chief content officer Rob Runesson choke up remembering his time as mirrors edge means more to me than anything. You and me both bro.

The baseline mode for the game is cashout, a 3v3v3 PvP mode of point control. It can be a white knuckle ride when you're in control, or a 3v6 uphill struggle if you aren't.

The unorthodox ayssemtry of this mode feels like a flag in the ground, and I like it. They could have just phoned it in with a 6v6 and called it a day, opting for big wave pushes. But instead they spread it out into smaller more chaotically intimate breakout fights that may not necessarily take place directly on top of the objective. I think This makes better use of the large complex maps and destructible terrain. With that said the 2 team push the cart mode is a great time, and might I say, one of my favourite cart pushing modes of all time in any game. Having the cart float right through a building makes you feel like being a mariarchy band in a China shop.

You pick from three main classes, Reinhert, Mercy 76, and Widowmaker. The unorthodox design decisions continue with the loadouts, you don't have a secondary weapon which feels disconcerting but it just means that sometimes the game turns into something more than who's better at aggressive point and click adventures.

Now the elephant in the room with this game was the use of AI voice announcers. During my time in the beta my actual only critique was how bad the announcer voice lines were. Their baseline was terribly cheese with poor delivery by voice actors who didn't appear to know what the other actor was saying. Fortunately for me it turned out later that it was entirely AI.

It makes sense lore wise to use AI. It takes place in a future fictional e-sport in a dystopia where AI has taken everyone's jobs. It's set in the year 2024.

In the first season each glorious match was punctuated by a reminder that the Devs were Scrooge mcducks about their reward system.

I don't need shiny baubles to have a good time, but if you're going to have them, don't put them just out of reach. I'm already a blue rat I don't need even bluer balls.

Fortunately in season two they fixed this by being far more generous with XP rewards to power you through the battle pass via missions slowly unlocked over the course of the season. It feels like one of those systems where Johnny come latelies could get most of the pass in the last couple days if they didn't feel like being chained to doing dailies.

To survive though this game needed to do one thing really well, and that's maintaining the novelty factor. this means fresh maps, more guns and more modes, unfortunately. Thankfully they've begun to pull it off in all those departments, recently dropping a pretty good rendition of counter strikes bomb mode in top of that top tier cart pushing mode.

I said at the top of the vid that this game stinks of death, and what I mean is that there's this underlying dread among the community that a game this cool and expensive looking isn't getting nearly as much hype as it deserves and you don't exactly feel it in-game,I find matches in no time. Just out in the wild not enough people are buzzing about it. maybe that's because it lacks the one thing that apex legends and Overwatch have. bangable characters. Apart from this little egg go. I'd scramble them any time.

This game is one of the few games I do a couple rounds of at the end of every night. It's a little treat, despite maybe giving me way more adrenaline than I need at 1am in the morning.

Do I recommend it? Well thanks for asking, me. yes I do.

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