Rome's GENIUS border defense strategy | 3D modeling the Rhine frontier
Historia Militum Historia Militum
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 Published On Feb 17, 2024

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We covered Roman frontiers in Britain, Jordan, Egypt, and the Neverlands... We thought its time for the largest one; the Rhine frontier! It is often said that Augustus founded and built the Roman border with the Rhine, that he installed stone forts along it, and that it was an unshakable border meant to repel any invasion. This video aims to dispel the above myths and shed some light on Roman borders. It wasn't one emperor who built it, it took decades for the wooden forts to slowly become permanent stone ones, and the border was very dynamic network that shifted through the centuries! This video covers the grand strategy of the Rhine frontier and explains how Roman borders worked, as well as how Rome built its largest border. (Defense in depth - How Rome guarded its LARGEST border)

Primary Sources:
O. Krok. 93
O. Krok. 6
O. Krok. 14

Secondary Sources:
Baatz, D. ‘Zur Funktion der Kleinkastelle am Obergermanisch-Raetischen Limes’, in A. Thiel (ed.) Forschungen zur Funktion des Limes Bad Homberg: Deutsche Limeskommission, 2007, 9–25.
Breeze, D. J. The Frontiers of Imperial Rome. Barnsley: Pen and Sword. 2011.

Kortüm, K. Zur Datierung der Römischen Militäranlagen im obergermanisch-raetischen Limesgebiet. Chronologische Untersuchungen anhand der Münzfunde, Saalburg, Jahrbuch, 1998 , 49: 5–65.

Planck, D. ‘Das Kleinkastell Rötelsee nördlich von Welzheim, Rems-Murr-Kreis’, Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg, 1974, 40–43.

Reuter, M. and Thiel, A. Der Limes: Auf den Spuren der römer Darmstadt: Konrad Theiss. 2007.
Sommer, C.S. ‘Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marc Aurel...? – Zur Datierung der Anlagen des 'Raetischen Limes’, Bericht der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpleg 52: 137–180.

Symmonds, M. Protecting the Roman Empire: Forts, Fortlets, and the Quest for Post-Conquest Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018.

Thiel, A.‘The Odenwald limes and its relation to the Antonine Wall’, in W.S. Hanson (ed.) The army and frontiers of Rome: papers offered to David J. Breeze on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday and retirement from HistoricScotland Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2009, 134–141.

Woolliscroft, D.J. 1997 ‘Signalling and the design of the German limes’, in W. Groenman-van Waateringe, B. van Beek, W. Willems and S. Wynia (eds.) Roman Frontier Studies 1995 Oxford: Oxbow, 595–602.

Intro (0:00)
Creation of the Frontier (1:55)
The Roman thought process (5:37)
The watchtowers (9:17)
The fortlets (11:21)
The Roman Grand Strategy (13:28)
Fighting Invaders (14:32)
Impressive self-sufficiency! (16:07)
The frontier's death (17:51)

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