♡ Strive Only for Silence ♡ Observe Silence even While Active ♡ Silence is Your Real Nature ♡ Om ♡
Global Well-Being Global Well-Being
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 Published On Nov 6, 2013

Support this channel by donating on PayPal:🧡 paypal.me/WhatWouldLoveDoNow Thank You! 🧡 Silence..Purpose of all the practices..Methods whatsoever..Is Silence..In the beginning..This mantra that we chant..OM Shanti..OM is Silence..Shanti means... Peace..Gratitude.. & Silence..So..Silence is your Real Nature.. & without Silence..You cannot be at peace..Whatever you do..Any kind of activity..On the ground, on the base of that activity if you see..It is Silence..Whenever you are happy..There is some gain..You will see you are happy in the gain because..Now your mind is Silent..On account of gaining anything. So you have to strive only for Silence.. & this is the purpose..That we are here..To Keep quiet.. & observe Silence..Even while active..Even while active you can be Silent..Body can be active yet..You can remain Silent..Because..Unless you are Silent you cannot..Cannot activate your Self..This command is to coming from the Silence..Even to activate your body..If you are attached..If you are conscious of THIS Silence..Which is your substratum always..And you will feel this sense of your fundamental nature.. & this..we are striving for..For this Silence we ask how to keep quiet..The main teaching of Maharishi..Ramana Maharishi was only Silence..Whosoever..came to him & questioned..He was Silent. To some people who were not satisfied with this Silence.. & their mind..their thoughts..later on were arrested.. & they found that this Silence..is Silently..answering their questions..The only teaching I believe is Silence.. & in the beginning also..You have been Silent..The world..the universe would have been Silent..&..everyone is returning to Silence.. & this disturbance is of the mind..Therefore we are not happy..so we have to train this mind..to return to Silence..When it will go to Silence..The mind..the senses..intellect..As Kabir says, you see..He starts with body..Keep your body quiet..Mind quiet..Intellect quiet..and even your pranas quiet..and then..you will see..the wisdom will follow behind you..Searching you..This is how he described..The wisdom will follow behind you searching for you..This is how he used to say with us..He was an illiterate Saint of India..He was not educated..So his language was only like this thing..Let us not run after freedom..Enlightenment..If we keep quiet it will follow us..Searching us..Oh wise man..Wait..I am here..What do you want..and many other saints... You see..they have stressed much on Silence..You see..And this Silence..Is your Nature..How to be Silent..Direct your mind..Towards its..Source..Direct your mind toward It's source..And you are Silent..When we direct the mind to our desired object..There starts this problem..Tension..Difficulties of life..The same mind which is directed towards an object..Of the senses..Same mind now has to be trained..to look at its source..At it's own substratum..From where does it arise... And you are quiet..And this is the aim that we are here..And this is called freedom... That's all..Freedom is not available somewhere else..in the mountains..nor in the caves..nor even in the books..It is here and now..Simply direct the mind..Mind is thought..There is no difference between thought and mind..Mind is bundle of thoughts..So pick up this thought..and prime thought is "I" thought..On which the whole world depends..On this "I" thought..When you speak "I"..Everything arises..So this "I" has to face towards it's Source..And you are quiet..And this is called practice also..Sadhana also..meditation also..Austerities also..And you will find that..Instantly you are free..Because we have not been able to..devote..Even this moment and this second..This instant..for the happiness..therefore..We are in trouble..If it is happiness..If it is Peace..It has to be very simple..And very near too..And that you don't give thought to..Now is the time..Direct the mind..towards it's source.. Or call it the Atman..In the books the word Atman is used..Direct the mind towards the Atman..We call it substratum..We translate also as the source..Let this "I" search it's source..Where does it..rise from? Where does this wave arise from? And you are happy..Surely you are at home..It is the simplest to be happy.. It is simplest of everything that is available in the world to you..So..This is called.. Satsang..to direct the mind towards it's source..This is called Satsang..Because you are at home..You are in a Holy company of the Self..of your own Self..it's called Satsang..Holy association..Most Holy association is to stay..Wherever you are..don't disturb your Self..Wherever you are that is the Holiest..Association..And this is called the Realization..Self Realization..Freedom..Enlightenment..whatever name you give..and it is not that..what you can call..What you can imagine..What you have attained..It is simply..not that..Something very new..Very fresh... And you are going to have it for the first time.. This is going to be your first meeting with your own Self...

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