IELTS Speaking Getting a Band 9 from the Start
AcademicEnglishHelp AcademicEnglishHelp
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 Published On Dec 3, 2022

IELTS speaking section questions and answers to master band 9 strategy. The vocabulary is below. Get all our videos using the code HISTORY99 for a 10% discount here, Send your MP3 Speaking Part 2 for a free score estimate [email protected] This video gives unique practice sessions with subtitles and a native English-speaking examiner.

Part 1 is about gifts, Part 2 is about a historical person, and 3 is about the history and the future. This video playlist teaches essential strategies for IELTS speaking interviews to score over band 7, and even 9. This video is a part of a series that instructs the steps necessary to achieve a high score, between 7 to 9, on the IELTS speaking section questions.

These classes will teach you the skills that will help you to be successful, and confident, and to reach success on these questions during the speaking interview. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to practice. Use the subtitles as necessary to help you comprehend the information. It is important to practice a lot to give full-sentence answers which reflect the grammar structure of the questions. Strategies will help with fluent language, natural language, and complex language. Enjoy. Follow us now on Instagram @ielts_aehelp

Surname – a family name that is inherited
marketing strategist – a professional who plans effective advertising
delicacies – delicious treats such as chocolate, cake, and candy
noteworthy – important to mention
drive out – to chase away, to expel
a visionary – is a person who plans for the future
autocratic society – power is concentrated in the hands of one person
to say the least – to give much importance
tyrannical – to rule with a strict and merciless attitude
their roots – a person’s origins or past ancestry
hardship – a difficult situation or time period
conquests – missions to take over other lands and people
compassion – to feel empathy and kindness toward another person

IELTS speaking bo'limiga savollar va master band 9 strategiyasiga javoblar. Lug'at quyida keltirilgan. Barcha videolarimizni HISTORY99 kodidan 10% chegirma bilan oling, Bepul ball baholash uchun MP3 Speaking 2-qismingizni [email protected] orqali yuboring. Ushbu video noyob amaliyotni taqdim etadi. subtitrlar va ingliz tilida so'zlashuvchi imtihonchi bilan mashg'ulotlar.

Mavzu 1-qism sovg'alar haqida, 2-qism tarixiy shaxs, 3-qism esa tarix va kelajak haqida. Ushbu video pleylist IELTS speaking intervyusida 7 va hatto 9 balldan yuqori ball olish uchun muhim strategiyalarni o'rgatadi. Bu video IELTS speaking bo'limi savollari bo'yicha 7 dan 9 gacha bo'lgan yuqori ballga erishish uchun zarur bo'lgan qadamlarni ko'rsatuvchi qatorning bir qismidir.

Ushbu darslar sizga muvaffaqiyatli, ishonchli bo'lishingiz va suhbat davomida ushbu savollar bo'yicha muvaffaqiyatga erishishingizga yordam beradigan ko'nikmalarni o'rgatadi. Ko'rsatmalarga diqqat bilan amal qiling va mashq qilishga ishonch hosil qiling. Ma'lumotni tushunishingizga yordam berish uchun kerak bo'lganda subtitrlardan foydalaning. Savollarning grammatik tuzilishini aks ettiruvchi to'liq jumla javoblarini berish uchun ko'p mashq qilish muhimdir. Strategiyalar ravon til, tabiiy til va murakkab til bilan yordam beradi. Rohatlaning. Bizni hozir Instagram @ielts_aehelp sahifasida kuzatib boring

00:00 Speaking Part 1
03:14 Part 1 Strategy
04:02 Speaking Part 2
06:45 Part 2 Strategy
07:24 Speaking Part 3
11:05 Part 3 Strategy

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