Which magnesium type is better for you
Stelios Pantazis Stelios Pantazis
103K subscribers

 Published On Sep 3, 2022

Hi! I'm Stelios Pantazis.

I'm a doctor and I specialize in
medical nutrition and metabolic disorders.

Today I'm talking about the magnesium types
that you can find in the market,

and I'm explaining
which type of magnesium is better

for the condition you'd like to treat.

A question that I often hear at my office
and in the comments on my channel

is "Which magnesium is suitable for me?"

The truth is that there are
many types of magnesium in the market

and their differences are important,

because some magnesium types are more
suitable for some particular conditions,

while in other cases, you just pay more
without any additional benefit.

Let's see the types of magnesium
you'll find in the market

and the condition for which
they're more suitable.

Magnesium citrate.

Magnesium citrate contains
magnesium and citric acid.

You may know that lemon contains
citric acid.

It's the same citric acid
as that contained in magnesium citrate,

although we now don't take it from lemons,
but it's manufactured by factories.

Magnesium citrate is absorbed really well and
it's considered a very safe type of magnesium,

as it's extensively used as a preservative
in many standardized foods,

as well as to add a sour flavor
in some cases.

Magnesium citrate is absorbed really well,

therefore it's considered a magnesium type
with very high bioavailability,

which means that most of what we take
ends up within our body.

The bad thing with magnesium citrate is that
some people suffering from indigestion

due to increased acids in the stomach may
have a heartburn after taking it.

So, if you suffer from heartburns and GERD,

don't start with a high dosage
of magnesium citrate,

because you may suffer.

Magnesium citrate is absorbed really fast
in the circulation,

so it seems to have an immediate
sedative and sleep-inducing effect

for many people.

The sleep-inducing effect may help
someone sleep.

Moreover, the fact
that it is absorbed really fast

makes it useful for people trying
to deal with constipation problems,

although the magnesium oxide is cheaper
and more effective for this purpose.

Magnesium oxide.

The magnesium oxide is the cheapest type
of magnesium in the market,

and it's the magnesium type contained
in the milk of magnesia,

which is extensively used
for the treatment of constipation.

Since is very cheap
and very effective for constipation,

I think it's the best solution
for this purpose.

Unfortunately, magnesium oxide
is not absorbed well,

therefore for any other condition,

you should look for a magnesium type
with higher bioavailability,

namely one that is absorbed better.

Magnesium chloride.

You will find magnesium chloride
in some tablets with antacids

that are used for indigestion problems.

It's a rather affordable type
with good bioavailability,

and you can also find it
in magnesium lotions.

Some people that exercise use it
in this form, because they believe

that it really helps with injuries
and pain caused by exercise, etc.

Magnesium lactate.

Magnesium lactate consists
of magnesium and lactic acid.

Lactic acid is also extensively used
as an additive in foods and drinks,

as well as in dietary supplements.

Magnesium lactate is also largely absorbed,

but in contrast to other magnesium types,
it is absorbed relatively slowly,

which makes it a useful alternative
for people intolerant to magnesium citrate

or other magnesium types.

Moreover, since it's mild
for the gastrointestinal system,

it may be a useful choice for people
that have to consume

large amounts of magnesium
in a dietary supplement

in order to maintain normal levels
of magnesium in their blood.

Many studies have shown
that magnesium lactate

has the fewest side-effects
for the gastrointestinal system.

Furthermore, the fact that the magnesium
is released in the blood relatively slowly

and that we can consume very large amounts
without affecting the gastrointestinal system

makes it very useful for people
that want to use it to deal with stress

without worrying
if it will make them sleepy.

The magnesium types that are absorbed fast,
such as magnesium citrate,

are more useful for people that want
to use magnesium to treat insomnia.

But for those that want to take
magnesium in the morning

in order to maintain low levels
of stress throughout the day,

magnesium lactate seems to be
a very good choice to achieve that.

Magnesium malate.

One more magnesium type
that you'll find in the Greek market

and that can be useful is magnesium malate.

Magnesium malate has the same
characteristics as magnesium lactate,

but it's a bit more expensive.

If you're looking for a magnesium type
that helps you deal with stress

and you want to take in the morning
without its making you sleepy,

and magnesium lactate is not suitable
for you due to any reason,

magnesium malate can be a good alternative,

if you don't mind paying more.

Magnesium taurate.

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