Im Sick...
Andrew Lawlin Andrew Lawlin
2.7K subscribers

 Published On Aug 25, 2023

I went to the hospital!

The day I posted my last update I was really not doing well. I had been struggling with energy loss for a while and I was not sure why life had been so hard to do recently! I thought it was food or sleep or something and yet couldn't seem to change that and improve! What happened next is me getting so sick that I didn't eat for a week. could barely walk. needed to get multiple bags of IV fluids going to the doctor, throwing up, throat feeling raw, my stomach stopping working well and just overall feeling rough.

I started to recover and decided I would try to make it to Maryland so I didn't lose my plane ticket! God changed my flight and it made my trip go from 11 days in the States and be able to capture AR down to 5 days but at least I wasn't wasting my ticket! I made it back to the States but the trip was hard. I was exhausted but there was so much to do and I had been feeling better so i pushed myself a bit.

then I slowly got worse and worse and worse till I needed to go to the hospital! We waited for hours there.
they kept ordering test after test.
I got IV fluids and it helped me a lot and then I proceeded to rest, get blood drawn, wait for doctors for hours on end and have lots of unknowns.
I had sooooo many ppl ask me questions!
long story short I have mono and was able to finally leave the hospital on thursday at 5pm! we tried walking to the hotel that was super close and I had to stop twice to rest.

I still cant really walk well because i get tired so fast and my flight is on Mon so I am praying for strength for that! I need to make it back to Honduras due to some things that are going on there and timeframes!
I also want to be able to give my beautiful wife a big hug and just embrace her since I feel we have been apart for far too long! �
Thank you for praying for me! Thank you for continuing to pray for me!
If you feel led to support us that would be huge in this season and you can do so through my website
click on the green button then choose payment method and go to Andrew Lawlin Missions Videography!
�Thank you so much for praying and the support! �we cant do this without you guys!

-Andrew and Dani

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