Scofield one finger blues
Frank Herzberg Frank Herzberg
611 subscribers

 Published On Sep 18, 2023

🔴 One of Rick Beato's interviews that I particularly like: John Scofield. When asked what he can give young musicians, John says: Learn the Changes! And then improvises with one finger. This is an exercise that Charlie Banacos often gave to his students and where you really have to know what you are playing note by note without having to resort to fingerings or shapes.

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🔴 Eines der Interviews von Rick Beato, das ich besonders mag: John Scofield. Auf die Frage, was er jungen Muikern mit auf den Weg geben kann, sagt John: Learn the Changes! Und improvisiert dann mit einem Finger. Das ist eine Übung die auch Charlie Banacos oft seinen Schülern gab und bei der man wirklich Note für Note wissen muss was man spielt, ohne auf Fingersätze oder Shapes zurückgreifen zu können.

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🔴 Uma das entrevistas do Rick Beato que gosto particularmente: John Scofield. Quando questionado sobre o que ele pode oferecer aos jovens músicos, John diz: Learn the Changes! E então improvisa com um dedo. Este é um exercício que Charlie Banacos costumava dar aos seus alunos e onde você realmente tem que saber o que está tocando nota por nota sem ter que recorrer a dedilhados ou desenhos.

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