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 Published On Jun 23, 2024


Mei Lanfang, a master of Peking Opera, the leader of the “Four Dan” actresses, and the king of the theatrical world…

With his unique talents and innovative spirit, he led Peking Opera to transcend cultural and national boundaries, establishing himself as a legendary figure of his era. The "Mei School" of art he founded is regarded as a representative of the Eastern theatrical performance system and is one of the three major performance systems in world theater.

Throughout his life, Mr. Mei Lanfang portrayed over 180 female characters, transforming on stage into a beauty that transcended gender and societal norms. Off stage, he was a handsome and elegant man; on stage, he was a supremely beautiful woman. He was both the creator of beauty and its embodiment.

The SEAN SUEN 2025 Spring/Summer collection takes inspiration from Mei Lanfang’s "dual identities," drawing from his daily attire, diplomatic outfits, and theatrical costumes. It uses the aesthetic concept of "creating images to convey meaning" and the philosophical idea of "the interplay of reality and illusion" from Peking Opera. The collection incorporates classic elements from Peking Opera costumes, such as cloud collars, flowing sleeves, jade belts, silk balls, and tassels, refining and artistically processing them. These elements are then integrated into traditional Chinese garments like the buttoned mandarin jacket, long gown, Zhongshan suit, and Western-style men's wear and formal attire that Mr. Mei favored, paying tribute to his brilliant life that radiated both humanity and artistry.

The beauty of the East, the work of a great master, is also inherited. Mr. Mei Lanfang, deeply rooted in traditional theater, created new dramas and then adapted them into modern fashion inspired by classical culture. Throughout his lifelong pursuit of aesthetics, he keenly observed the changing needs of the times, striving to achieve the external beauty that embodies the profound essence of the East. This is an all-encompassing, three-dimensional beauty.

Sean Suen approaches the "Mei School" art with the hope of allowing the wearers of this collection to jointly experience, contemplate, and witness the infinite possibilities between classical beauty and contemporary needs. Starting from the color, structure, and texture of Peking Opera costumes: extracting traditional colors like red, yellow, and green that have strong stage appeal and contrasting them with the neutral colors black, white, and gray often used in modern styles; deconstructing and reassembling the multi-layered makeup of opera and contemporary decorative elements; combining the highly oriental textures of silks and brocades commonly used in opera costumes with the tailoring of modern fashion. This exploration seeks to use the language of clothing to remove the many constraints on classical beauty under different eras' demands, breaking the stereotype of a single expression of contemporary Eastern aesthetics.

"A great master, when chosen by the times, is already exquisite in every aspect." - "Century Masters: Mei Lanfang"


梅兰芳, 一代京剧宗师,四大名旦之首,伶界大王…



SEAN SUEN 2025春夏系列,以梅兰芳“双重身份”的交织为视角,引鉴其日常装束、外交服饰与舞台戏剧扮相,化戏曲“立象尽意”的美学观点与“虚实相生”的哲学思想为设计灵感,将京剧扮相中经典的云肩、水袖、玉带、绸球、流苏等元素,赋以写意化提炼与艺术化加工,融入中式传统马褂、长衫、中山装与西式男装、礼服等梅先生喜爱的常服之中,致敬其散发着人性与艺术双重光辉的、精彩绝伦的一生…


Sean Suen 走近“梅派”艺术,更希望通过本系列的作品与穿着者共同感受、思考、见证古典之美与当代之需间的无限可能。从京剧戏衣的色彩、结构、质感三维体系出发:提取舞台观感度强烈的红、黄、绿等传统色,对撞现代风格中多用的黑、白、灰等中性色;将戏曲感的多层次装化与当代感的装饰性元素拆解并重组;沿用戏曲服饰中常用的丝绸、锦缎等极具东方风韵的质感面料与现代时装的衣身剪裁相结合,探索以服装语言消除古典美于不同时代需求下的重重限制,打破对当代东方美学在表达方式上单一的刻板印象。

“所谓巨匠,当时代选择了他的时候,他已是一身玲珑。” - 《百年巨匠·梅兰芳》

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