How the Kora Kora Boat Ride Works at Bulusan Kudus Night Market
Abdul Wahid Abdul Wahid
48.6K subscribers

 Published On Apr 15, 2024

How the Kora Kora Boat Ride Works at Bulusan Kudus Night Market

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Cara kerja mesin disel dompeng di wahana perahu kora kora pasar malam taman ria promosindo 022, Acara tradisi bulusan kota kudus lokasi tepatanaya di desa sumber hadipolo jekulo kudus jawa tengah.

beginilah kora kora di gerakkan satu oprator di bawah belakang badan whana kora kora menginjak tuas yang menghubungkan dengan bam roda mobil yang berputar di gerkkan dengan mesin disel dompaing dengan suwara keras,lalu roda di gesekkan kebagian badan kora kora supaya badan kora kora bergerak maju mundur / berayun.
ya itulah vidioerahu kora kora pasar malam
trimakasih kalo da kesalahan di betulkan karna kurang pengalamn
718 / 5.000
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Hasil terjemahan
How the Dompeng diesel engine works on the Kora Kora boat ride, Taman Ria Promotion Night Market, 022, Bulusan tradition event, Kudus city location, precisely in Sumber Hadipolo Jekulo Kudus village, Central Java.

this is how the kora kora is moved by one operator under the back of the body of the kora kora whana, stepping on the lever that connects to bam, the rotating car wheels are moved by a diesel engine pumping with a loud noise, then the wheel is rubbed against the kora kora's body so that the kora kora's body moves back and forth / swing.
Yes, that's the night market kora kora video
Thank you if I correct any mistakes due to lack of experience
#night market

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