What was Allah doing before He created the universe? / Kerem Önder
İhramcızâde İlim Yayma - Kerem Önder İhramcızâde İlim Yayma - Kerem Önder
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 Published On Jan 17, 2019

* Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates: Muhammad (SAW) said:

* "Allah (SWT) is jealous, a believer is jealous too. Jealousy of Allah (SWT) is when a believer does something that Allah (SWT) forbade." [Buhârî, Nikâh107, Müslim, Tevbe 36, (2761); Tirmizî, Radâ 14, (1168)]

* Pharaoh in Qur'an.

* Your origin is a filthy sperm! How can you boast about yourself?

* No one loves to be praised more than Allah (SWT).

* What was Allah (SWT) doing before He created the universe?

* An outward congregation in Turkey; FETÖ

* British army, with a commercial movie, proclaimed that it started enrolling Muslim soldiers in order to spread the belief of 3 gods and genocide more ummahs.
A lot of hadith deniers and scholars contenting themselves with the translation of Qur'an, Wahhabis, Salafis, and followers of FETÖ are expected to apply.

* A second proof for the resurrection is the Ayah: "Was he (human) not just a drop of spilt-out sperm?" [Qiyamah 37]

There are two important points about this Ayah:

First Point

'Nutfa' means a few amount of water. In the same vein, Allah (SWT) said "Was he not a few amount of water within his father's backbone and mother's bosom?" The meaning of the expression in the Ayah is "a water flowing to the mother's womb." If, from this perspective, one says what is the wisdom behind the verb which means 'dropping, spilling,' after the word sperm, we say the reference to the unimportance of the state of that person is the wisdom here. Therefore, the intended meaning in this Ayah is: "He (human) is created from a sperm which emerges from a canal whose meaning is the disposal point of najasah. It's not appropriate for these sort of creatures to stand away from worshipping Allah (SWT) and beome haughty in this matter." The way Allah (SWT) express this meaning is exactly like the expression in the Ayah (Al Ma'idah - 75) about the Maryam and Isa (Jesus (a.s), "They both used to eat," which refers to their need for the toilet. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, Tafsir

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