Sehat Segar Crunchy! Resep ASIAN SALAD [Yu Sheng Khas IMLEK]
Devina Hermawan Devina Hermawan
3.68M subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jan 22, 2022

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*English description is at the bottom section.*

00:00 : intro
01:05 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:46 : cured salmon (curing the salmon)
04:42 : potong sayuran (slicing the veggies)
05:55 : tumis ubi ungu (stir-frying the purple yam)
06:13 : goreng kulit pangsit (frying the wonton wrappers)
06:43 : membuat dressing (making the dressing)
07:26 : bilas dan potong salmon (rinsing and slicing the salmon)
07:42 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepSalad #ResepYuSheng #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Yu Sheng (untuk 7-8 porsi)

Bahan cured salmon:
250 gr salmon
1 sdm garam
2 sdm gula

1 buah lobak ukuran sedang
1 buah wortel
1 buah timun kyuri
1 buah ubi ungu ukuran sedang
2 batang daun bawang
1 buah paprika merah
100 gr mangga muda
2 pcs jeruk bali
5 lembar kulit pangsit
30 gr kacang mede panggang, cincang

Bahan asian dressing:
4 sdm plum sauce / sambal bangkok
2,5 sdm minyak wijen
4-5 sdm cuka beras
4,5 sdt gula pasir
1,5 sdm air jahe
1,5 sdm air bawang putih
1/3 sdt garam
1/3 sdt kaldu bubuk

1. Pisahkan kulit salmon, taburkan garam dan gula pasir di seluruh permukaan salmon, tutup dengan plastic wrap diamkan di kulkas selama 1-2 jam
2. Bilas salmon dengan air, keringkan dengan tisu kemudian iris tipis
3. Potong dan iris tipis sayuran mulai dari lobak, wortel, timun, paprika merah, dan daun bawang lalu rendam dengan air es
4. Iris tipis mangga muda, ubi ungu, dan kulit pangsit
5. Panaskan sedikit minyak tumis ubi ungu hingga matang dan mengkilap
6. Panaskan minyak, goreng pangsit di api sedang hingga sedikit kecokelatan, tiriskan
7. Untuk dressing, campurkan plum sauce, cuka beras, minyak wijen, gula pasir, air jahe, air bawang putih, garam, dan kaldu bubuk, aduk rata
8. Susun sayuran di atas piring, masukkan dressing lalu aduk
9. Yu sheng siap disajikan


Yu Sheng Recipe (yield 7-8 servings)

Cured Salmon ingredients:
250 g salmon
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar

1 pc radish, medium
1 pc carrot
1 pc Japanese cucumber
1 pc purple yam, medium
2 pc green onion
1 pc red bell pepper
100 g unripe mango
2 pc pomelo
5 pc wonton wrapper
30 g roasted cashew, chop

Asian Dressing ingredients:
3-4 tbsp plum sauce / bangkok sambal
2.5 tbsp sesame oil
4 - 5 tbsp rice vinegar
4.5 tsp sugar
1.5 tbsp ginger liquid
1.5 tbsp garlic liquid
⅜ tsp salt
⅜ tsp stock powder

1. Skin the salmon, then sprinkle salt and sugar on the entire surface. Cover with plastic wrap and cure in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
2. Rinse the salmon with water. Pat dry with a paper towel and slice it thinly.
3. Slice the radish, carrot, cucumber, red bell pepper, and green onions thinly and soak in ice water.
4. Slice the unripe mango, purple yam, and wonton wrappers thinly.
5. Heat some oil and stir-fry the purple yam until cooked and shiny.
6. Heat some oil and fry the wonton wrappers on medium heat until lightly browned. Set aside.
7. For the dressing, mix the plum sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, ginger liquid, garlic liquid, salt, and stock powder. Stir well.
8. Arrange the veggies on the plate. Add dressing and stir.
9. Yu Sheng is ready to serve.


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