[Hindi] How to Accept Change and Why - The great law of life (by Sirshree) - बदलाहट को स्वीकार करो
Sirshree  Tejgyan Sirshree Tejgyan
119K subscribers

 Published On Oct 19, 2013

When an incident happens in Life, there is a change
A change in the arrangement, state of things, environment.

Change is actually beautiful. But humans do not know this. No sooner there is change, a resistance is born from within. You wonder why you are inconvenienced when change occurs. It is because the mind says "This should not happen." to whatever is happening. If there is ignorance, the mind will talk. The mind is nothing but a talking disease. It will keep pestering you... "Hey! do something. Why are still not doing anything?.. Do u not understand?..." How flustered will you be if every disease begins to speak? It is the commenting mind that is the cause of unhappiness. By itself, no incident is the cause of suffering. It is how the incident is seen, what is added to it... that is the problem. If you stop adding anything to an incident... your suffering is gone. When emotion is added to an incident, it becomes a problem. Till then there is no problem.

Accept change because change is good and beautiful. But if we are not convinced, we cannot accept it. So ask, "Can I accept this?". This can mean change in the weather, the arrangements, nature of people staying with you...

But the question remains... Is change good? A doctor said to a patient, "I will give you a medicine which will make you young again." The patient responds, "No.. no.. don't do that. It will stop my pension." See how beautiful the proposed change is. But what is man seeing.... pension. Humans have held on to something which they don't want to leave. Small conveniences which they do not want to leave. Hence there is a quote which says, "Safeguard you big dreams from your small desires." What is your big dream?... That of freedom... that of happiness... that of living in the present... to live being the one I really am according my true nature. What a wonderful dream! But what are the small desires?... your favorite program on TV. Some calls you saying, "Lets go for today's discourse on true happiness." ... "No. Today is the cricket match." So people have small desires which are more alluring. A person is stuck to Pension. But what a massive change was becoming youthful again. Being youthful means the one who is lively, awareness. Those who possess wealth are rich... those who possess compassion are benefactors... those who are alive and aware are called youth. The person was going to acquire liveliness again. But a small convenience made him reject it.

When recession sets into the market, or a person is transferred to another department, another project... complaints begin immediately. Wait! Don't conclude and label the incident as bad immediately. Because there is something new coming. Learn to welcome and recognize the new.

Within us too the 'Experience of being' is ever fresh and new. We have stopped looking at it - "Must be the same boring emptiness." But now a new training is being given. Look for the new and welcome it.

Change is good. Good is God. Change has not come to bind you. It has come to free you. The inset of a disease or even death is a change. The gross body is destroyed and the journey continues with the subtle body. But human are so grief stricken on some one's death. An infant grows into childhood. Do you lament this change? No. Then the child grows to adolescence... to youth... to middle age... old age. Now the old man has changed to a subtle body - the next phase. That person wants to tell us not to grieve for him. But he is not able to do so as his journey is on in another frequency of existence.

Nature is continuously guiding us through change. People think of retaliating to change. They look for a reason. "Who was responsible.... my neighbor.. boss... mother in law... daughter in law... colleague... etc. "That person had slapped me 10 years ago. I will retaliate." But the truth is, that person had hit your body in one moment. But you have mentally slapped yourself for 10 years thinking about it. Who is more cruel? You or him?" Man has stories about how things should be. How people should behave. He sees every incident with the specs of these stories.

But when man looks without these spectacles, for the first time he will see things as they truely are. So the way forward is to look at everything non judgingly. "Why did a person do this?... Because he did it." There is no other meaning to an incident. So stories and emotions stop colouring man's vision. Incidents stopped becoming problems and change became beautiful. Not knowing this people blame fate, God, past lives,.. It is the habit of the mind to fix blame. Don't fix a blame. Look at change with a new perspective. Your peace should remain intact with change. With every change just say, "Let things happen according to my divine plan."

Everything has been briefly explained, but it has great depth. Work on it in our worldly life. Change the thought that change should not happen. New dimensions will come into your life.

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