LWs Predict Mushroom Cloud Above River in Manhattan & East London 2023January8-10, 16-19
Lords Witnesses Lords Witnesses
199 subscribers

 Published On Jan 7, 2023

These attacks will produce a mushroom cloud over the Hudson around the George Washington bridge AND a mushroom cloud over the Thames around the Dartford Bridge between sunset Sunday 2023January8 and sunset Tuesday 2023January10 (2022Tebbeth12-13) and/or between sunset Monday 2023January16 and sunset Thursday 2023January19 (2022Tebbeth20-22).

The 10 horns on the Sea Beast of Revelation 13 and 17 (which is the 4th beast of Daniel7) who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 who have not yet received a kingdom are the 10 powerful nations during the 10 months of power from 2021Shebat2 (2022January9/10) - the end of the 1,000 day chain of Revelation20, holding back the beast from 2019Nisan22 (2019April27/28), the start of the final 42 months of its authority of Revelation13 to 2022Tishri14 (2022October12/13), the end of Satan and the Dragon and the wilde beast having any divine authority as Caesar to Adam, the end of the world JUDICIALLY - to 2022Chislev2 (2022November29/30), precisely 300 days later.

These 10 kings have one thought of Revelation17 and so they give their power and authority to the Beast. That sentence counts as 30x which are days from 2022Chislev2 (2022November29/30) to 2022Tebbeth2 (2022December29/30). Then upon those 10 horns, there are 10 diadems, which are 10 months of kingship for the 10 horns who are also 10 kings, running from 2022Tebbeth2 to 2023Heshvan14 (2023October31/November1) the destruction of all false religion, the buring of the harlot of Revelation17, which is the end of the authority of the beast of Revelation19. So the 10 kings do receive a kingdom for 10 months.

The sea beast (Commerical international deep state fronted by WEF & global tech) has 7 heads which are its 7 months of headship from 2023Nisan14 (2023April4/5) - 2023Heshvan14 (2023October31/November1) achieved through WW3, which is the means of Mark of the Beast enforcement by threatening to conscript into the Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3, people who refuse the Mark for 7x from 2022Shebat4 (2023January30/31) to 2023Elul4 (2023August22/23), the period of WW3..

The greater lava flood of Noah begins on 2023Tammuz14 (2023July3/4), the late Passover of the Sivan1 Abrahamic sacred year, it being the second extermination of Adam pursuant to the Garden of Eden on 3993Nisan14. It lasts for 40+40 days to 2023Tishri4 (2023September21/22). This flood exterminates faithless and loveless non 1AC (1st Abrahamic Covenant) Adam and non 1AC Cain from the planet. But said extermination is hidden by WW3.

Here is the Chronology of the Mark of the Beast test of Revelation13. Hebrew dates are from the Biblical Lunar Calendar (12 months of 30 days each). They are not quite modern Hebrew dates.

2022Tebbeth25/29: PEACE AND SECURITY is declared, 5/9 days of the sentence count of 1Thessalonians 5:3 before 2022Shebat4, when the sudden destruction of the first day of WW3 comes to them. In fact it is standing upon those declaring it (the 10 kings - who are therefore responsible for WW3)
2022Tebbeth28: Mark Inauguration and Registration Day: The greater exactor of Luke 2 occurs. It is now possible to take the Mark of the beast. The start of the 6 cubits of width of the image of Daniel3 to 2022Shebat4, Mark Enforcement day
2022Shebat4: Mark Enforcement day. It is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark. The end of the 6 cubits of width of the image. The start of the 60 cubits of height of the Image of Daniel3 to 2023Nisan4, the end of the testing of Benjamin, the period of Mark testing of saints.

This Mark of the Beast test is a control freak power grab by the demons. The real choice is Mark or Ark. The Ark is the Mark of Kingdom of God. 50% of mankind will be saved into the ark by rapture (the first 6 crops of Revelation22, those who love God - the 1st law and who love their brother - the 2nd law) and a further 25% (those who love their brother but not God - the second law people, the good Samaritans, the sheep of Matthew25) will be saved binto the ark by Passover execution on the 14th and esurrection on the 3rd day (the 16th of each month, these being the last 6 crops of Revelation22). Then one final group, the oligopistous, those with little faith, the last chance salooners, will be shielded whilst remaining on the earth and executed at the physical end of the world, the 1st death Passover, on 2023Tebbeth14 (2023December30/31) and resurrected on 2023Tebbeth16 (2024January1/2) . The remaining 25% or so who love neither their brother nor God, will go to Hell which is a sin bin with a maximum sentence of 1,000 years, the duration of the Kingdom of God.

Nobody will enter into the Ark until they refuse or rescind the Mark.
Love from the Lords Witnesses

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