Varshavianka (The Song of Warsaw) – Leon Lishner (English version)
Paweł Ausir Dembowski Paweł Ausir Dembowski
45 subscribers

 Published On Dec 23, 2016

"Warszawianka 1905" or "The Song of Warsaw"/"Whirlwinds of Danger", as translated by Douglas Robson. Recorded ca. 1970 by Leon Lishner.

Whirlwinds of danger are raging around us,
O'erwhelming forces of darkness assail,
Still in the fight see advancing before us,
Our flag of liberty that yet shall prevail.

Then onward and onward, freedom awaits you,
Over the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march together and the world will be free.

Śmiało podnieśmy sztandar nasz w górę,
Choć burza wrogich żywiołów wyje,
Choć nas dziś gnębią siły ponure,
Chociaż niepewne jutro niczyje.
O, bo to sztandar całej ludzkości,
To hasło święte, pieśń zmartwychwstania,
To tryumf pracy, sprawiedliwości,
To zorza wszystkich ludów zbratania!

Naprzód, Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, marsz, Warszawo!

Women and children in hunger are calling,
Shall we be silent to their sorrow and woe?
See in the fight our brothers are falling,
Up then united and conquer the foe!

Off with the crown of the tyrants of favor!
Down in the dust with the prince and the peer!
Strike off your chains, all ye brave sons of Poland!
Wake all humanity, for victory is near.

Then forward and onward, freedom awaits you,
Over the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march together and the world will be free.

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