YOU get a snack and YOU get a snack! Everyone gets a snack!! (contains a minor DLC spoiler)
Wolf Link Wolf Link
21.7K subscribers

 Published On Jan 20, 2021

"Feeding instructions:"

Horses all like apples and carrots. Feeding an already tamed horse will raise it's bond. Endura Carrots also give your horse +3 temporary spurs.

Blupees don't care for foodstuff. I've tried with veggies, fruit and even meat, but they simply ignored it.

Sand Seals (domesticated & wild) like fruit of any kind. Patricia, Rijus personal Sand Seal, will also give you some in-game tips if you feed her fruit, translated by the Gerudo Guard ... and each contains an awful seal pun.

Squirrels like acorns, Chickaloo Tree Nuts, apples... maybe more, but since they're very skittish, it's really difficult to get close enough to throw snacks at them

Hateno Cows and Water Buffalos primarily eat greens / herbs and veggies. (I didn't include Hateno Cows in this submission because I already posted the footage in another video and didn't feel like recycling it)

Wild & domestricated goats, as well as Hateno Sheep, eat a variety of greens and veggies

Boars and deer eat fruit, veggies and nuts, herbs and greens

Moose and rhinos in Hebra will eat apples, Hyrule Herb, acorns and carrots.

Foxes completely ignore any kind of meat and poultry for whatever reason, but will go nuts for apples - including a joyful little jump before digging in.

Wolves and coyotes will completely ignore apples, but go for meat immediatly. If there is a living creature (deer, moose, pigeons) in their line of sight, they'll go chase the "living" meat instead... which means that they stop eating as soon as they notice Link and try to hunt him instead. Obviously nobody taught them the saying "never bite the hand that feeds you".

Honeyvore Bears go for any kind of meat and fish, but ignore honey completely.

The dogs at the stables eat fruit and meat. If you feed them a few pieces of either one, they might lead you to hidden treasure

Fish eat anything that corresponds to their effect.

I managed to feed Hyrule Herb and a carrot to an Eldin Ostrich before it noticed me. No idea if they also eat other stuff, because I didn't manage to recreate it. Ostriches seem to be VERY alert: the moment they spawned, I was already close enough for them to notice me (even with Lv.3 stealth) and trying to feed them stuff while in the "burning air zone" of Death Mountain caused them to immediatly freak out because their food caught fire.

"Small Birds love Chickaloo Tree Nuts" ... but every single sparrow I found so far completely ignored all foods I threw at them. Chickaloo Tree Nuts, rice, wheat, fruit, meat, fish, herbs, everything. If you kill them, they will DROP these nuts tho.

Herons, pigeons, ducks, crows and cuccos don't seem to care for food either.

Crabs, Lizards and Frogs ignore food tossed at them. I also tried releasing insects close to them, but they simply don't seem to care.

Bokoblins, Moblins and Lizalfos will happily snag every piece of meat or fish tossed their way and immediatly eat it, sometimes with funny results: they munch, burp, drool ... and the ones that didn't get meat throw cute little temper tantrums.

Lynels don't care for meat..... except if it's still alive and wielding a weapon, but tossing even Gourmet Meat their way doesn't make anything happen.

Stal-enemies don't care for meat, even tho StalHORSEs eat apples just fine.

Hinoxes seem to ignore food. The same goes for Stalnoxes.

Rock Octoroks "eat" rust. If you toss a RUSTY (not damaged or close to breaking) weapon their way, they'll suck in the weapon, gleefully munch on it for a few seconds and then spit out a shiny new rust-free version of the same weapon type.

...other Octos ignore food.

Chuchus, Wizzrobes and Keese normally ignore food

Moldugas will try to eat anything that makes a sound, but just leaving "dead" meat lying around in the desert doesn't seem to trigger them. If you want to "feed" them something, like a living Lizalfos for example, you'll have to shoot an arrow into the sand close to the Lizalfos and wait for the Molduga to ...uh..."investigate" the source of the noise.

Taluses, Pebblits and Guardians don't have mouths to begin with. If you toss stuff at them, they ignore it.

Wolf Link eats everything if he is hurt, especially if he isn't supposed to. He also eats Whole Raw Birds and Gourmet Meat regardless of whether or not he has full health, howling with glee after every piece of meat he devoured. Wolf Link also seems to be the only mammal in the game that actually eats mushrooms.

The Yiga Blademaster Guards in the Yiga Hideout can't resist bananas - it's even a viable tactic to lure them away from their posts to sneak past, using bananas as bait (sadly it only seems to work with the guards inside the Yiga Hideout - regular Blademasters ambushing Link on the road don't react to any food as far as I can tell).

Master Kohga doesn't seem to care for bananas tho ....

...interestingly enough, Maz Koshia can't resist them ;)

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