You Raise Me Up - Aboriginal Children (rural Taiwan) with Pei-Wen Liao
中華同舟共濟服務社C.S.V.A 中華同舟共濟服務社C.S.V.A
2.87K subscribers

 Published On Aug 31, 2020

The most inspiring cover of You Raise Me Up you’ve ever seen!

As we approach the end of the summer in 2020, the pandemic is still surging through the corners of the earth. Many hearts are burdened, asking when all this is going to end. We hope our rendition of the classic song 《You Raise Me Up》would continue to pass on the glimmer of hope that many, especially our frontline essential workers, have been working so hard to maintain. It’s true, whether it’s with our children dressed in traditional garb in rural Taiwan, or with the violinist Peiwen Liao in New York City, or with you who are still staying at home, we all are in this together.

Sung by aboriginal elementary school children in English and aboriginal dialects, joined by child saxophonists and the acclaimed violinist Pei-Wen Liao. Presented by Chunghwa Sameboat Voluntary Association (C.S.V.A.)

直到2020年的夏天,新冠肺炎仍然肆虐全球,人類的內心依然沈重無比,不知何時才能夠結束這場惡夢!我們期望藉由《You Raise Me Up》(鼓舞人心) 這首歌曲,能繼續傳遞著希望的光芒,尤其是對在前線辛苦工作的抗疫英雄們致敬。


這個版本的《You Raise Me Up》是由臺灣新竹縣五峰鄉桃山國小獻唱英語、高雄市桃源區興中國小獻唱布農族語及拉阿魯哇族語,結合新北市淡水區中泰國小吹奏薩克斯風,與紐約名小提琴家廖姵珳聯手合作共同獻上最真誠的天籟之聲。
#YouRaiseMeUp #JoshGroban #Encouragement

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