My Pierwsza Brygada - Anthem of the Polish Armed forces
BulbaBlin BulbaBlin
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 Published On Aug 24, 2017

My, Pierwsza Brygada (We Are the First Brigade), also known as Marsz Pierwszej Brygady (The March of the First Brigade) and Legiony to żołnierska nuta (The Legions Are a Soldiers' Song), was one of the best-known songs of the Polish Legions formed during World War I by Józef Piłsudski.
Extolling the First Brigade of the Polish Legions, the song is considered an important emblem of the early-20th-century struggle for Polish independence. It is also now an official anthem of the Polish Armed Forces.

Lyrics (polish):

Legiony to żołnierska nuta,
Legiony to straceńców los,
Legiony to żołnierska buta,
Legiony to ofiarny stos.

Ref. : My, Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos rzuciliśmy swój życia los,
Na stos, na stos.

O ileż mąk, ileż cierpienia,
O ileż krwi,wylanych łez.
Pomimo to - nie ma zwątpienia,
Dodawał sił - wędrówki kres.

Ref. : My, Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos rzuciliśmy swój życia los,
Na stos, na stos.

Mówili,żeśmy strumieniami,
Nie wierząc nam, że chcieć to móc.
Laliśmy krew osamotnieni,
A z nami był nasz drogi wódz!

Ref. : My, Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos rzuciliśmy swój życia los,
Na stos, na stos.

Nie chcemy już od was uznania,
Ni waszych mów, ni waszych łez.
Skończyły się dni kołatania
Do waszych serc, do waszych kies.

Ref. : My, Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos rzuciliśmy swój życia los,
Na stos, na stos.

Dzisiaj już my jednością silni
Tworzymy Polskę — przodków mit,
Że wy w tej pracy nie dość pilni,
Zostanie wam potomnych wstyd!

Ref. : My, Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos rzuciliśmy swój życia los,
Na stos, na stos.

Lyrics (English)

Legions are a soldier's note,
Legions are destructive fate,
Legions are a soldier's shoe,
Legions are a sacrificial pile.

Ref: We, First Brigade,
Strzelecka cluster,
At the pile we were throwing our lives a fate,
On a pile, on a pile.

How much flour, how much suffering,
How much blood, tears poured.
Despite this - there is no doubt,
He added strength - wandering end.

Ref: We, First Brigade,
Strzelecka cluster,
At the pile we were throwing our lives a fate,
On a pile, on a pile.

They said we were streamers,
Do not believe us that you want to be able to.
We were lonely,
And with us was our great leader!

Ref: We, First Brigade,
Strzelecka cluster,
At the pile we were throwing our lives a fate,
On a pile, on a pile.

We no longer want to acknowledge you,
I say your words, not your tears.
The days of quitting ended
To your hearts, to your purse.

Ref: We, First Brigade,
Strzelecka cluster,
At the pile we were throwing our lives a fate,
On a pile, on a pile.

Today we are one strong
We create Poland - ancestors myth,
That you in this work not quite urgent,
There will be shameful children!

Ref: We, First Brigade,
Strzelecka cluster,
At the pile we were throwing our lives a fate,
On a pile, on a pile.

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