壽桃包做法 │ 寓意健康长寿的祝寿佳品 Handmade Longevity Peach Bun(click cc for caption)
Hao's Kitchen小豪厨房 Hao's Kitchen小豪厨房
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 Published On Feb 19, 2021

壽桃包做法 │ Handmade Longevity Peach Bun

寓意健康长寿的祝寿佳品。这期视频跟大家分享 #寿桃包 的做法。寿桃包也叫 #寿桃 、#长寿包 、#寿包 、寿桃馒头等等。数千百年来,寿桃包都带有吉祥喜庆的寓意,适合作为生日和寿宴的祝贺食品,还可以用来拜祭神明与祖先。



   / @haoskitchen  

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1. 面粉过筛,加入酵母和细砂糖搅拌均匀。
2. 分次加入牛奶,用手指搅拌成棉絮状后再捏成团。
3. 加入玉米油,抓捏到面团把油吃进去后开始揉面10分钟。
4. 分成45g的小面团。
5. 用特定手法擀面,包馅料和做成桃子的造型。
6. 最后的面团染成绿色,分成16个小面团做成叶子。
7. 做好造型的包子在顶部喷上粉色,底部贴上两片叶子。
8. 水滚后上锅蒸,用中火蒸15分钟。时间到了,关火焖5分钟才开盖出炉。

In this video, I will share with you the practice of Longevity Peach Bun. Longevity Peach Bun is also called Shou Tao, Longevity Bao, Shou Tao, Shou Tao Mantou and so on. For thousands of years, Longevity Peach Bun has auspicious and festive meanings, suitable for birthdays and birthday banquets, and can also be used to worship gods and ancestors.

The method of Longevity Peach Bun is similar to that of steamed buns, except that the first fermentation is omitted, which increases the time for making styling later. In order to make the shape easier to set, the dough is also slightly harder. In the video, I used plain flour (all-purpose flour) to make the peach buns, which have a firm texture and become firmer after cooling. If you want to pursue a delicate taste, you can replace it with paw flour which you can buy in bakery stores. The peach buns are delicate in taste and white in colour. It is not recommended to use low-protein flour. This requires too much craftsmanship. Master friends can challenge it.

Warm reminder: All materials are best prepared first. To make longevity peach buns, the most important fermentation time must be mastered. If the steamed buns are over-fermented, the skin will be blistered and wrinkled after being steamed, and it will not look good. Finally, it takes more time to make the leaves, and the movements must be fast. Of course, the finished product is more delicate and beautiful. If you don't want to make leaves, you can also make one more peach bun without wasting.

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Recipe: (you can make 8 peach buns)
Plain flour (all-purpose flour)...250g
Castor sugar...25g
Corn oil...8g
Red bean paste...25g/each, total 8
Red and green food colouring...a little
8 pieces of oil paper/baking paper

***The amount of milk should be adjusted according to the brand of flour you use. Different brands of flour have different water absorption properties, you may need to add or subtract about 10g to make adjustments.

1. Sift the flour, add yeast and sugar and mix well.
2. Add milk in portions, stir it into cotton wool with your fingers, and then knead it into a dough.
3. Add corn oil and knead the dough for 10 minutes after the oil has been absorted in the dough.
4. Divide into 45g small dough.
5. Roll out the dough, paste fillings and make peach shapes with specific techniques.
6. The final dough is dyed green and divided into 16 small dough to make leaves.
7. Spray pink on the top of the shaped buns, and stick two leaves on the bottom.
8. After the water has boiled, steam it in a pot with medium heat for 15 minutes. When the time is up, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes before opening the lid.

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