Award Ceremony of 20. Infanterie-Division (mot.) during Operation Barbarossa (1941)
KlipHistori KlipHistori
126 subscribers

 Published On Feb 9, 2018

This three-minute clip shows 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert) that participated in the Unternehmen Barbarossa (German invasion of the Soviet Union), summer of 1941. There were graves of the soldiers who were killed in the battlefield, followed by the session where some member of the division looks shirtless and wearing only shorts! Divisionskommandeur Generalmajor Hans Zorn was seen wearing a schiffzen (side cap) on his head and carrying a plastic-coated map clamped in his armpits. Uniquely, he also wore the eight-button Reichswehr uniform (instead of the usual six-button of the Wehrmacht's uniform). On this occasion, Zorn conferred the Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse to some of his accomplished soldiers (at 1:36 minutes we can see the "sightings" of a Luftwaffe soldier during the Verleihung a.k.a. award ceremony). The event then followed by a visit to the grave of the soldiers 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert) who died on the Eastern Front, among them is someone with the name Adolf Englisch. Surprisingly, after I traced this name through the Volksbund site, the only recorded "Adolf Englisch" was the one who died in 1944 and not 1941!

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Klip berdurasi tiga menit ini memperlihatkan saat 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert) berpartisipasi dalam Unternehmen Barbarossa (penyerbuan Jerman ke Uni Soviet), musim panas tahun 1941. Tampak deretan kuburan prajurit yang gugur di medan pertempuran, dilanjutkan dengan pengabadian para anggota divisi yang sebagiannya bertelanjang dada dan hanya mengenakan celana kampret! Divisionskommandeur Generalmajor Hans Zorn terlihat mengenakan schiffzen (side cap) di kepalanya serta membawa peta berlapis plastik yang dikepit di ketiaknya. Uniknya, dia juga mengenakan seragam model Reichswehr yang berkancing delapan (bukannya enam seperti standar seragam Wehrmacht). Dalam kesempatan ini, Zorn menganugerahkan medali Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse kepada beberapa prajuritnya yang berprestasi di medan tempur (di menit 1:36 kita bisa melihat "penampakan" seorang prajurit Luftwaffe saat berlangsungnya Verleihung alias upacara penganugerahan). Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke makam para prajurit 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert) yang gugur di Front Timur, diantaranya ada yang bernama Adolf Englisch. Anehnya, setelah saya telusuri nama ini melalui situs Volksbund, maka satu-satunya "Adolf Englisch" yang tercatat adalah yang meninggal pada tahun 1944 dan bukan 1941!

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