Crazy = Genius | WOODZ x History x Cross Gene [Kpop FMV]
ZibeomTheFly ZibeomTheFly
393 subscribers

 Published On Jul 28, 2021

Story-line: (if you have your own theory, let us know in the comments!)

At first it may seem that the men in the video are the main characters, but actually the women are. The lyrics say; 'If crazy equals genius," and the men in the video seem to have gone crazy, but that's all because of a woman. However, in every sub-story the woman has a different role, and in every sub-story the concept of crazy = genius returns. In History's video, the woman is being stalked by the guys - they have gone crazy just by her presence. In this sense the woman may seem weak, but as the guys come up to her they let her go in the end. Therefore her move can be seen as genius, but she's equally crazy for letting them get to her so far.
In Cross Gene's video the guys are trying to safe the woman instead of attack her, where the men can be seen as genius for knowing how to safe her, but equally as crazy to go through all that stuff for her. Finally, in Woodz' music video, he himself seems to have turned crazy by being followed by his alternative self, but that is because that part of himself is trying to tell him he has been fooled by the genius woman. In that sense, the couple is both crazy and genius, because Woodz is genius enough to figure it out and the woman is crazy for doing criminal stuff.

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