Mystical encounter in Rome in May 2003
paul wright paul wright
19 subscribers

 Published On Sep 15, 2014

This is a 28 minute radio program entitled “Mystical Encounter in Rome in May 2003”, which I produced in May 2003, just a few days after returning from a holiday to the eternal city of Rome in late April & early May 2003. It recounts a mystical encounter which I unexpectedly experienced on a visit to Saint Peter’s Basilica during that Roman holiday- a mystical encounter which blew me away.

When I got back from Rome to Ireland after that May 2003 mystical encounter in Saint Peter’s, I remember ringing a friend to try explain to him what had occurred me. I think he thought I must have been mad, as I rambled on and on down the telephone line about what I’d experienced. Thankfully, that wise friend instructed me to take out a pen and paper and try write my experience down. I thus sat down and wrote an account of my mystical experience. The week after I wrote up said account, I made this 28 minute radio program of what exactly occurred me.
This program comprises:
1st- Commentary from the social commentators Cathleen McGrath and Noel Lambe on what they think a mystical encounter with the divine entails;

2nd- “Yours truly” narrating his written account of his May 2003 mystical encounter in Rome.

3rd- Emotional engagement in the program is enhanced via suitable backing music, as well as the playing of suitable songs at key junctures in the program.

all images on this video depict various oil pastel drawings by Paul Wright

Although the end-product program contains:
(A). various technical faults; and also,
(B). an over-strong regional accent;
Nevertheless, the end-product still oozes bucket loads of passion and manages to capture the essence and spirit of what exactly occurred me.

Disclaimer: The songs and music used in this video are all from third party sources. Producer does not own copyright to any of these songs, nor does he profit from them. This video was made in order to try inspire, uplift and encourage others to reach for Godly success (i.e.- to comfort the afflicted & afflict the comfortable) in the face of pain, failure and suffering.

To be downloaded for non-profit purposes only, in adherence with the universal truth- “What you do for yourself dies with you, what you do for others lives forever.”


Further explanatory note from producer Paul Wright

In the program I mention Jesus a lot. You might as well know I’ve always railed against those people who try force the message of Jesus on others, as if there’s no other way to heaven or paradise than through “JESUS”. Down the years I’ve grown to detest the sight of such fundamentalist/ militant evangelical Christians, whether of the Catholic or Protestant hue or whatever; who engage in hard-line evangelical tactics, which although true to the words of Jesus, are absolutely opposed to his spirit of compassion, gentleness and charity. Similarly I detest those militant-fundamentalist anti-God types who try bully others into their “God is dead” creed. Both forms of fundamentalism are just opposite sides of the same coin, and fail to recognize that God doesn’t deal in labels or ordinary human language. In essence spirituality is recognizing the divine light in all of us, whether we are Christian or Muslim or Atheist or whatever. It doesn’t belong to any particular religion or group, it belongs to everyone. Oceans and seas, rivers and streams all have different names or labels, yet all contain water. Similarly religions have different names, yet all contain universal positive truths and ethics, expressed in different ways and forms. As far as I’m concerned what really matters is that you believe all people are equal and part of the same human family.

When I refer to “Jesus” in my life, I’m using my way to express divine love in the world, since I love the bible and love Jesus, just as a Muslim might love the Koran and Allah, a Jew love the Torah and Yahweh, or a Hindu love the Bhagavad-Gita and Lord Krishna. I love Jesus because he did not identify with, or seek to emulate, the powerful and the influential. Instead, he sought out the sinners, rejects, social misfits and outcasts of the world, and then taught that every person was of equal worth in the eyes of God. Through his crucifixion and ignominious death, he ultimately exalted those people most despised in society- the abused, the ignored, the addicts, the so-called failures. He put the first last and the last first.

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