Great service of fully visible police cars! But illegal vehicles are still being arrested
emasan emasan
9.88K subscribers

 Published On Aug 11, 2024

A Spacia that went over the stop line without even looking at the police car is arrested.

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Table of Contents
0:00 Main video starts
1:40 Violating car appears
2:30 Bonus

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   • traffic  

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・Friendly police officers moving early in the morning [You can hear their conversation] and a senior police car

   • 早朝に移動する仲良し警官たち【会話丸聞こえ】と先輩パトカー  

・Suddenly waiting at a traffic light [Police car loses its temper (Part 1)]

   • 信号待ちで突然【キレるパトカー】  

・Pedestrians repeatedly ignoring traffic lights right in front of me! A police officer finally loses his temper at a completely out of line old lady!

The Alphard lives up to expectations and almost ends up obstructing police duties... [Crackdown on traffic light ignoring]

   • 目の前で繰り返される歩行者信号無視!完全アウトのBBAについにキレる警察官...  

-A police motorcycle is about to return to the station, and a moped that violated the two-stage right turn rule passes in front of a traffic police car!

The moment when the police motorcycle tilts its head and makes an emergency run and a U-turn to give chase!!

   • 帰署目前の白バイ、交機パトカーの前を2段階右折違反した原付が堂々通過!首を...  

-Police car gets mad! The moment when it yells at a taxi that is looking straight ahead and stops it in an instant!

   • パトカーぶちギレ!前方直視のタクシーを一喝して一瞬で停止させる瞬間!  

Police car gets mad series

-A two-seater electric scooter that doesn't seem to care about the police car's warning...the angry siren
makes the police officer dash to capture and detain it!
   • パトカーの警告も完全に他人事の2人乗り電動キックボード…怒りのサイレンから...  

- A police car keeps getting angry at a taxi that has no manners at all, and finally runs out of steam...

A scary woman yells at the police car! These troublesome drivers who have no ability to learn

Should give up their licenses now!

   • マナーのかけらもないタクシーにパトカーぶちギレ続けてついには息切れ…そんな...  

- A beauty parlor lady bursts out laughing when she sees her colleague being scolded by a police car for starting to cross the street at a red light!

If this were a car... this is what would happen! [Crackdown on traffic light ignoring]

   • 赤信号を渡り始めた同僚がパトカーに激怒されたのを見て爆笑するおBAさん!も...  

   • TRAIN  

・[Full video: 230m new rapid train overrun]
JR Amagasaki Station: New rapid train 223 series overruns and stops, reverses to normal position, 18 minutes late

The whole story up until departure

   • 【新快速230mオーバーラン】JR尼崎駅・新快速223系 オーバーランして...  

・[Short video 1/3: 230m new rapid train overrun] Lights switched on, station staff explains situation, JR Amagasaki Station

   • 【短編1/3  新快速230mオーバーラン】ライト切替・駅員の状況説明 J...  

・[Short video 2/3: New rapid train overruns by 230m】Station staff announcement preparing for reverse run JR Amagasaki Station

   • 【短編2/3  新快速230mオーバーラン】逆走準備の駅員アナウンス JR尼崎駅  

・【Short story 3/3 New rapid train overruns by 230m】The horn sounds and the train starts to reverse JR Amagasaki Station

   • 【短編3/3  新快速230mオーバーラン】警笛を鳴らして逆走開始 JR尼崎駅  

・【Short story extra 1/2 New rapid train overruns by 230m】

Position adjustment after reverse run and door opening (with station staff announcement) JR Amagasaki Station

   • 【短編おまけ1/2  新快速230mオーバーラン】逆走してからの位置調整・...  

・【Short story extra 2/2 New rapid train overruns by 230m】

Announcement that the following new rapid train will depart ahead of the others from the opposite platform "7th platform"
   • 【短編おまけ2/2  新快速230mオーバーラン】後続の新快速が向かいの「...  

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