Barbara Cecil: Post-doom with Michael Dowd
thegreatstory thegreatstory
12.4K subscribers

 Published On Jan 30, 2020

00:12 - TITLE: "Inner and Outer", begins with 3 previews
02:07 - Michael Dowd (MD) introduces the series
04:45 - Is "post-doom" a term that resonates?
04:14 - Barbara Cecil (BC): Post-doom inner aspect is not a break or door; a continuum
05:11 - MD: Cecil and Jamail's Truthout posts helped inspire this series
06:47 - BC: story of personal journey; her book "Coming into Your Own"
09:11 - Relation of the outer and the inner; how applies to this transition
11:22 - BC: current trends of concern (incl violence toward women, indigenous)
15:20 - BC: relating the trends outer and inner; "wetiko" (Cree term)
16:18 - BC: "How does the feminine relate to all of this?"
17:12 - MD: Indigenous examples of sustainability; resistance movements
18:36 - BC: Different models to undergird these movements; resonance
20:23 - MD: Inner and outer distinct outcomes of resistance movements
21:04 - BC: wondering where/how to break through the larger system
22:53 - BC: Three possible ways to break through:
22:59 - (1) "Deep listening for interior impulse"
24:15 - (2) "Right placement" (in relationships to birth creativity)
25:52 - (3) "Attention to and respect for cycles" (incl endings)
27:30 - BC: amplify "deep feminine sensitivities that live in men and women"
29:11 - Summary of the 3 possible ways to break through; to reconnect
29:32 - MD: What BC calls "the feminine" MD calls "the divine"; reconnect
30:57 - Q: What is still possible and what is not?
31:30 - BC: "I remain in the don't know camp" but we cannot turn around big govt
33:29 - Q: Has the epic of evolution been supportive to you?
34:10 - BC: "We are in an aberration — not a healthy evolutionary process"
34:43 - MD: Q on impermanence and death
35:34 - BC: impermanence and death is part of attunement to natural cycles
36:36 - BC: on beauty of trees; heart breaks for fires in Australia
37:25 - BC: practices for inner (emotional, spiritual, earth connecting)
39:48 - BC: "How to give these things over to the spirit and to trust is the practice of my life now."

Youtube playlist of all Post-Doom video conversations:

Post-Doom Conversations website (videos, audios, and resources):

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