Wendy Capewell Wendy Capewell
128 subscribers

 Published On Aug 20, 2021


Lisa E. Jones is a mental health and illness advocate, speaker, and writer, serving on the board of a large mental health organization in New Jersey, USA. Lisa is originally from New York City but lives in New Jersey with her family.

She has had a long career in Finance and the Pharmaceutical industry as well as doing a stint as a Stand-Up Comic in New York City and New Jersey. You can chat with Lisa on Twitter at Minding Mental Illness @LisaEJones2 or check out her blog at MindingMentalIllness.com. 


Lisa shares her resentment of the system, as well as her sadness for her son, How watching him brought her to the place she is in today, being in a place to help and support others. , because she feels she has learned a lot which she feels could help others and see things in a different way.

Her son has been diagnosed with ADHD,  Low H,  not very hyperactive, and actually ODD, which is oppositional defiance disorder. He was diagnosed with both at that time. And then the big decision was what do you do?

Whether to accept medication to help alleviate the symptoms her son was experiencing.  She goes on to explain the effect her son's condition has on the rest of the family.

Lisa E Jones


I am a divorced mom of three teens. All three of my kids have either a physical or mental condition that has and will need continued treatment.  My eldest, my son, in addition to diabetes, has ADHD and Bipolar 2 disorder. Navigating with him through the world of mental illness has been a life-altering experience for me. To see first-hand the stigma, fear and dearth of services bestowed upon him and others like him has been stunning. As a result, affecting change, spreading knowledge and giving support has become my mission. I am now serving on the Board of Directors of a large mental health not for profit in New Jersey, USA. I have met with politicians and influencers to affect mental health policy changes. I have started my own blog recently, mindingmentalillness.com, and I am joining podcasts to discuss the topic as well. In addition, I have written an article on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), “The Restless Mind of ADHD” which is being published in the I Am Her magazine plus I will be beginning my public speaking journey soon.

I have realized through my son, that my sister was most likely undiagnosed bipolar as well. Also, I met a wonderful man a few years ago that ended up also struggling with bipolar disorder. My life has been surrounded by mental illness and I now consider myself their unsuspected champion.

In addition to my volunteering and advocacy work, I work full-time in the Pharmaceutical industry. I have earned a Masters Degree in Urban Policy Analysis and Management as well along the way.

I am a very spiritual, empathic woman as well which probably helps guide and ground me in times of adversity.  Within the last year, my house had a major fire and is in the process of being re-built. My two daughters and pets were home at the time and escaped miraculously without harm. Unfortunately, a few months ago, it was discovered that my contractor absconded with all my insurance funds, so litigation ensues---but the re-build must go on regardless. Times have been tough, very tough, but I have learned that I am even tougher.

I’m a person who learns and grows from adversity and I would like to share my methods with other like-minded people. I like inspiring and challenging people to be the very best they can be. I am teaching my daughters to be strong, independent women and I’m proud to say that they are great students as well as talented musicians. But most importantly, I teach all my kids to be givers. They have all volunteered their time to help others and organizations. My kids will be my greatest legacy. 


Website  - http://mindingmentalillness.com

Twitter  -  mindingmentalillness @LisaEJones2



Wendy is a Psychotherapist, Coach, Public Speaker, and Author. She helps people who are stuck either in their personal, professional or relationships, get to the root of the problem which is holding them back, let go - and move forward into a happier more successful life. 

 Connect with Wendy Here......

Facebook -   / copewelltherapies  

Linked in -   / wendycapewell  

Website - https://www.wendycapewell.co.uk/

Book –‘From Surviving to Thriving in a Romantic Relationship’- Link to Amazon

Email – [email protected]

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