ich teste das größte Schokobrötchen des ganzen Universums 🤫| CARAMELLA
468K subscribers

 Published On May 19, 2024

hello #caramellacrew​​​​​ 🧡 was soll ich sagen hahaha es ist einfach ausgeartet

aber hier das Rezept: (sorry ist englisch aber dafür original)
Croissants & Pain au Chocolat
French flour T55 (All-purpose flour) 125g French flour T45 (Cake flour) 125g Sea salt 5g Fine granulated Sugar 27g Softened butter 25g Fresh yeast (preferred option) 12g Whole milk 100ml Eggs 25g
Butter with 84% fat percentage 150g

Détrempe – refers to the dough before the layer of butter (beurrage) is added.

1. In a bowl combine all the dry ingredients, break down the fresh yeast and then add in the softened butter and mix it using your fingers. Next, add in the milk and eggs.
2. Once all the liquid has been absorbed into the flour, transfer it onto a table and you will knead the dough until it is elastic. To check for elasticity, you need to do the window-pane test.
3. Rest the dough in the fridge preferably 18-24 hours.
Beurrage & Tourage

1. Place cold butter between two sheets of parchment paper and pound it with a rolling pin until it is like the détrempe consistency. Shape it into a square about 1 cm or close to 1 inch thick.
2. Lightly dust a clean work surface with flour and place the détrempe on it. Roll into a rectangular shape. Place the butter in the centre and use the sides to fold it in like an envelope. Seal the edges neatly leaving no gap.
3. Lightly tap the dough with the length of the rolling pin to even out the distribution of the butter inside.
4. Now, we need to do 2 double turns. Roll it into a long rectangular shape to about the size of the rolling pin plus your own hand. Brush off any access of flour. Fold about 4 finger size from the bottom of the dough up, then fold the top to meet with the bottom part and then fold in into half. Make sure the edges are even.
5. Rotate the dough 90 degrees and repeat the same folding process.
6. Wrap in plastic and let it rest for 1 hour in the fridge.

1. With this recipe you will be able to make 1.1 4 x Pain au Chocolat1.2 4 x Croissant au beurre
Rising & Baking
1. Preheat the oven 190°C (375°F)
2. Leave pastries in a warm area between 25°C – 30°C (75°F to 86°F) for about 1 hour until they are double in size
3. When pastries are double in size brush them with egg wash and transfer them to the oven to bake until golden. 12-15 minutes depending on the colour you prefer.

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PS: folgt mir auf insta @kimcaramella und
folgt Ardi auf Insta @ydrasboat

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