Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016: Hear My Story 賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 : 聽 •故事
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 Published On Oct 17, 2016

「聽.故事」 的目的是給予參加者勇氣去分享自己的故事,縱然歷盡苦難,亦不要忘記從挑戰和困難中找到美好之處。



Artist Statement
Our goal was to empower people to tell their stories, even those that may be difficult for others to listen to, and to learn to find the beauty in challenges both as survivors and as artists.

Our workshops with Pathfinders were designed to help migrant mothers and their children to learn different ways of expressing themselves through creative writing, dance and choreography. We explored unanswered questions from their past, devised personal statements to themselves and others about their present situation, and encouraged them to set a goal for the future. Our objectives were to help them find ways of coping with challenges through creative expression, and to boost their self respect, self awareness and self confidence through the arts. The programme culminated in a fun photo shoot, and the mothers and children received a printed photograph as a reminder of their experience.

Another goal of the project was to expand young artists’ field of inspiration. We invited young Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation dancers and writers to take part in sessions with the women and make connections by exploring memory, writing, and choreography. Participating youth artists learned about the historical and political background of Pathfinders’ clientele, and crafted a narrative they felt was important to share with a wider Hong Kong audience. The results of the writing and choreography are shown in the dance film “Hear My Story”.

項目藝術家Project Artists
賀倩瑩 Kirsten Ho - 舞蹈 Dance
Alexandra Jacobs - 文本 Writing

小丸貴生 Takao Komaru

十里紅妝 Red Dowry

Becky K. Makeup

Youth Dancers from Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
許恩賜 Allason Hsu
陳衍汶 Ariel Chan
范倬忻 Christine Fan
Elsa Dahlberg
王曉驊 Joanne Wong
陳瑋嘉 Joey Chan
Josephine Yap
梁海晴 Leung Hoi Ching
Martina Feltracco
Nastassja Torio
Rachel Telford
何恩欣 Vivian Ho

Participants from Pathfinders

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